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Whales in a suitcase
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Humpback Whale fluke.
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Nature to Go! Suitcase Exhibition

A hand touching a sperm whale tooth. Whales is a suitcase-sized exhibition packed chock-o-block with museum specimens, books, games, posters and more! Touch a giant sperm whale tooth, marvel at the life-like whale models, listen to the songs of the whale, and learn to identify a whale by its tail! This hands-on suitcase has something for every armchair whale-watcher!

Don't miss your chance to discover all the fun that can be crammed into a single suitcase!

  • display case with 5 whale models
  • baleen display
  • tooth specimens
  • 2 graphic panels
  • books and games
  • 1 laminated poster
  • videos, audio recordings, and CD-ROMs
Space requirements
  • the suitcase weighs less than 30 kg (66 lb.)
  • when set up, the contents occupy approximately two tabletops
Special requirements
  • tables
  • security and environmental controls
  • active staff participation to organize and present programmes
  • TV and VCR to view videos
  • audio cassette player for audio tape
  • computer for CD-ROMs

Nature to Go! fees start at $150, plus one-way shipping.

A service bell.


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