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 Grain Inventory Accounting System


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Services and Fees of the CGC

Grain Inventory Accounting System

The Grain Inventory Accounting System (GIAS) is a computer based system of grain accounting that replaces hard copy elevator receipt documentation.

Prior to the development of GIAS, grain accounting was a paper-based system which relied on the terminal elevator receipt document to be representative of the stocks in store at a terminal.

As the status of the grain changed (i.e., grade changes, blending, drying, etc.), like changes had to be made to the document(s) representing that grain. There was also the possibility of losing the hard copy document.

Under GIAS, all transactions are done electronically; there are no lost documents; inventory records are manipulated as soon as the physical stocks of grain are manipulated and the elevator operators are able to keep their in-house accounting current.

In addition, the licensed elevator operators are able to comply with the time frames specified in the Canada Grain Act and Regulations which govern the registration and cancellation of documents and/or electronic records.

How it works

Official Commission records of the inspection and weighing of grain at licensed terminal grain elevators are transferred to this computer-based system. An inventory number is assigned to each car/truck of grain received at a terminal.

The system allows terminal operators to access the system via communication lines established by the Commission; they can manipulate any data they wish as long as it falls within the parameters of the Canada Grain Act and Regulations.

The Commission maintains its regulatory control over the transactions that licensees manipulate by assigning a transaction number and approving the change to all data that the Commission does not originate.

Licensed terminal operators may request viewing access for any person or company having an interest in the grain stored in their elevator (for example, brokers, banks or other lending institutions) by contacting the Commission. As long as the interested party has communication equipment compatible with the system, restricted and secure viewing access is arranged by the Commission.

A secure system

The system is secure in that no person or company may view the stocks of another party without the written consent of the licensed terminal involved and the development of access privileges by the Commission.

GIAS grows

Development of GIAS is the responsibility of the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), who is the sole marketer of the software (under copyright). Sale of the GIAS software can be expanded to include international clients. Revenue from the sale of the "basic GIAS" software package is shared by the CGC with the Canadian Wheat Board, the B.C. Grain Shippers' Clearance Association and the B.C. Terminal Elevator Operators Association.

Key contacts for the Grain Inventory Accounting System

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Last updated: 2005-07-22