News Tip

March 27, 2000
Resources for Journalists

CGC assistant commissioner’s job is a two-way street

March 27, 2000—Donna Welke keeps her ear to the ground. It’s her job. She is the Canadian Grain Commission’s assistant commissioner for Saskatchewan. She attends producer seminars, agricultural exhibitions and conferences and takes issues important to Saskatchewan’s grain farmers to the CGC in Winnipeg.

Her job doesn’t end there. Working out of Regina, Welke investigates disagreements farmers may have with grain companies and she works with both parties to resolve them. Donna’s strong background in farming, rural communities and small business gives her insight into the problems and stresses of the farming way of life.

Donna also brings the CGC to Saskatchewan. Hers is a familiar face and voice representing the CGC at many meetings and conferences across the province. She spends much of her time working to ensure the integrity of grain handling operations and the maintenance of grain quality standards.

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Donna Welke
Canadian Grain Commission
Telephone: (306)-780-5035
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Copyright. Canadian Grain Commission
600-303 Main Street, Winnipeg MB  R3C 3G8
Telephone: (204) 983-2770 or Fax: (204) 983-2751
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This page last updated: March 27, 2000

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