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About Us
Veterans' Affairs Canada

Who we are...
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) is committed to promoting independent living and quality of life for our veteran clients.

The VAC Health Care Program provides veterans and other eligible clients with personalized health care services including advice and information, needs assessment, advocacy, referrals, case management, treatment and other heath related benefits. VAC also provides benefits and services through its national home care program, the Veterans Independence Program (VIP). We provide long-term care for veterans and other eligible persons in our one remaining departmental facility, as well as through many community or contract facilities.

We bring a caring dedicated team, made up of highly skilled employees who are:

  • experts in health program and policy development;
  • health care professionals;
  • specialists in the field of gerontology;
  • systems specialists; and
  • Case Management specialists.

Our health focus...
VAC's health care services and programs are designed to:

  • enhance the quality of life enjoyed by our clients;
  • promote independence; and
  • keep our clients at home and in their own communities.

Our services and programs reflect a comprehensive and coordinated approach to service delivery expressed in the following ways:

  • Applying a Client-centred Approach to delivering our benefits and services, ensuring that our clients with complex needs receive the right service at the right time in the right place by the right person.
  • Putting into place a continuum of service that embodies multi-disciplinary care continuing across time and service components, recognizing that clients' needs often extend beyond the boundaries of the organization delivering the service.
  • Working in partnership with other government health care authorities, health care providers and research professionals to ensure that eligible clients receive appropriate health care benefits and services.
  • Working in an environment of continuous improvement.
  • Providing case management services where needed

Our audience...

  • Veterans of the First, Second World Wars and the Korean War;
  • Canadian Forces (CF) veterans and eligible still-serving CF members (Special Duty Areas); and by extension their families and caregivers.

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