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Ergot of Cereals and Grasses

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Ergot Host Crops and Grasses

Brome grass infected with ergot.

Brome grass infected with ergot.

Rye crop infected with ergot.

Rye crop infected with ergot.

Crops, such as rye and some grasses, are more susceptible to ergot infection because they are open-pollinated, allowing easy access of the fungus into the flowering head. Ergot may also be a concern in forage grasses grown for seed production. Grains such as wheat and barley, are less likely to become infected because they are self-pollinated, but may still develop levels that result in downgrading. Oats are seldom affected. Plants are less susceptible once the fertilization process has occurred. Broadleaf crops are not susceptible to ergot, which makes them an effective crop rotation choice.

Last updated: 2006-09-11