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What's the 'deal' with B.C. deals?
Ann Graham Walker | December 19, 2006

VANCOUVER | The voting is done and British Columbia doctors narrowly passed a new workers’ compensation agreement at the end of last month—but the divisions that almost hijacked this deal are not over. Now the British Columbia Medical Association is being challenged on its understanding of grassroots GPs for the second time in a little over a year.

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Passport rules won't alter meeting plans

Civilian MDs sign up for Afghanistan mission

Pediatricians appeal to feds for new vaccine funding

Rx&D; slams drug review board

OTTAWA: Reproduction Act still embryonic
Ken Pole | December 19, 2006

Given that it’s the time of year many celebrate an “immaculate conception” of two millennia ago, it’s seasonally appropriate to look at what’s happened to the Assisted Human Reproduction Act.

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INSIDERS: More protection for clinical data is a win-win for Canada
Russell Williams | December 19, 2006

Life sciences research and innovation in Canada were given a significant boost by the federal government recently when it amended the Food and Drug Regulations Act to provide eight years of protection for clinical test data generated to approve a new medicine in Canada. This approval can also include six months of additional data protection for medicines that have been the subject of pediatric clinical trials.

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Letter to the Editor: Most Canadians concerned about pesticides
| December 19, 2006

Kudos to the Medical Post for highlighting connections between environmental degradation and illness. The public is indeed worried—and has been for some time.

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