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 About the Canadian Grain Commission

 Assistant Commissioners

 Chief Operating Officer


 Corporate Services


 Business Group


 Grain Appeal Tribunal

 Grain Research Laboratory

 Grain Standards Committees

 Industry Services


 Service Centres


 CGC Exhibit Program

 Corporate Publications

 Employment Equity

  Employment Opportunities

 Where to Find Us

CGC Industry Services - ISO 9002 - Services à l'industrie CCG

Bayport Region

120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Telephone: (519) 436-3190
Fax: (519) 436-3195

Jim Lowe, Regional Director


- Grain Sanitation Services

- Moisture Meter Repair

- Protein Equipment Services

- Training Services



Bayport Region, Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Fax: (519) 436-3195

Head of Operations
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

Inspectors sample and grade grain at all steps in the grain handling process. Graded samples are representative of everything from a producer's delivery to the cargo being loaded to lake and ocean-going vessels. Inspectors apply standard grading factors and procedures to determine the level of quality of the grain sample. Results of the inspection process are communicated to interested parties by means of official grade certificates, grade advice notices, and letters of analysis.

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Grain Sanitation Services

Bayport Region, Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Fax: (519) 436-3195

Grain Sanitation Officer
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

The Grain Sanitation Services unit detects infestations in shipments of Canadian grain and informs producers and elevator operators about infestation prevention and control. It examines submitted and official samples from railcars and ship loadings for infestation. It advises elevator managers on chemical and physical treatments for insect control. The unit recommends cleaning and/or fumigation methods. It assists elevator operators in maintaining the phyto-sanitary conditions of their facilities. It examines grain handling and storage facilities under license in the region to determine levels of sanitation. The unit establishes inspection schedules and monitors all reports on infestation and sanitary conditions of licensed transfer elevators. Joint elevator inspections are conducted with Food Production and Inspection Branch for phyto-sanitary certification.

For more information

Managing the quality of stored grain

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Moisture Meter Repair

Bayport Region, Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Fax: (519) 436-3195

General Information
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

Technical Information
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

Elevator operators drop off or send to the Bayport Region their 919 meters for repair or alignment. On request, a CGC meter will be provided on loan during the repair period. The machine is aligned and/or repaired in the Bayport Region office by trained personnel and returned to the elevator operator. A fee is assessed for the repair/alignment and the loan of a meter. 

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Protein Equipment Services

Bayport Region, Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Fax: (519) 436-3195

Pricing and General Information
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

Training, Machine Operation and Repair
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

The Bayport Region office provides protein testers and related equipment to industry locations on a monthly fee basis. The machines are used to determine protein content on eastern red wheat and soybean samples. Machine repairs are done in Chatham or Winnipeg by CGC staff. Local users are responsible for daily maintenance and major repair costs. The Bayport Region office, with assistance from the GRL and Industry Service's protein section, provides protein check samples used to monitor and adjust machine calibrations.

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Training Services

Bayport Region, Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Fax: (519) 436-3195

Head of Operations
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

Telephone: (519) 436-3190

This unit provides training programs tailored to the specific needs of individuals or groups within the industry. Programs are conducted in the Bayport Region office or on site at the customer location. They normally cover sampling and grading procedures for grains identified by the customer. Training is provided on a fee-for-service basis.

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Bayport Region, Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
120 Wellington Street West
Chatham ON  N7M 5K3
Fax: (519) 436-3195

Regional Director
Telephone: (519) 436-3190

Weighing personnel are on site during the loading or discharge of grain to and from trucks, railcars, lake and ocean vessels. Through a continual monitoring program and certification process, weighing personnel ensure that buyers and sellers receive full credit for the amount of grain involved in sales transactions. On a regular basis, weighing personnel re-weigh the physical stocks in-store at licensed elevator facilities. This process assures owners of the grain of the availability of their grain stocks.

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Last updated: 2002-05-30