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  Title: Our Supporters. Carving, mosaic and stained glass window from the VMMB.

Donors and Sponsors

The Canadian Museum of Nature acknowledges with thanks its generous donors and sponsors. Supporters are listed by the level of their pledge, then in alphabetical order.


$1-million +
Genome Canada www.genomecanada.ca The Geee! in Genome
Dr. Fred Kasravi Natural Partnerships Campaign (General)
Talisman Energy Inc. www.talisman-energy.com Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery


$500 000 to $999 999
Canadian Institutes of
Health Research
www.cihr.ca The Geee! in Genome


$100 000 to $499 999
Anonymous Natural Partnerships Campaign (General)
Board of Trustees of the Canadian Museum of Nature nature.ca Natural Partnerships Campaign (General)
Canadian Geographic www.cangeo.ca Passionate Vision
CIBC www.cibc.com Natural Partnerships Campaign (General)
Claudia, Adam, Christina & Alexandra Chowaniec Natural Partnerships Campaign (General)
Climate Change Action Fund (Government of Canada) www.climatechange.gc.ca/
Sila: Clue in to Climate Change
Imperial Oil Foundation www.imperialoil.ca Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery
Investors Group www.investorsgroup.com Passionate Vision
Frank & Loretta Ling Natural Partnerships Campaign
The Salamander Foundation www.salamanderfoundation.org Canadian Centre for Biodiversity
TD Bank Financial Group www.td.com Natural Partnerships Campaign


$25 000 to $99 999
Canada Post www.canadapost.ca/segment-e.asp Sila: Clue in to Climate Change
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/index-e.htm Sila: Clue in to Climate Change
The EJLB Foundation www.ejlb.qc.ca The Rideau River Biodiversity Project
Employees of the Canadian Museum of Nature nature.ca Natural Partnerships Campaign (Family)
Gowling Lafleur Henderson, LLP www.gowlings.com Natural Partnerships Campaign
(Diorama Rehabilitation)
RBC Foundation www.rbc.com/responsibility Natural Partnerships Campaign
Scotiabank Group www.scotiabank.com Natural Partnerships Campaign
(Diorama Rehabilitation)
TransCanada Corporation www.transcanada.com Ice Age Mammals Suitcase Exhibition
Wildlife Habitat Canada www.whc.org/home.htm Natural Partnerships Campaign
(Bird Gallery)


$10 000 to $24 999
Louise Beaubien Lepage Natural Partnerships Campaign
Choo Family Natural Partnerships Campaign
Kim Curran Natural Partnerships Campaign
Emond Harnden, LLP www.emondharnden.com/
Natural Partnerships Campaign
Joanne DiCosimo & Allan Johnson Natural Partnerships Campaign (General)
McGarry Family of Hulse, Playfair and McGarry Natural Partnerships Campaign
(Diorama Rehabilitation)
MHPM Project Managers Inc. www.mhpm.com Natural Partnerships Campaign
Public Works and Government Services Canada www.pwgsc.gc.ca/
Natural Partnerships Campaign
Telus about.telus.com/community/
Natural Partnerships Campaign
(Discovery Centre)

Maple seeds and leaves.

Our Partners

Our annual report contains a list of education and science partners from the previous year. Download the annual report and see the list (4.9 Mb PDF).

Information about previous partnerships is available in our annual reports.

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Victoria Memorial Museum Building.
Illustration of a monarch butterfly.

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