Plant Biotechnology Institute

Cell Technologies Group

photoIncreasing cultivation of specialty crops such as pulses, herbs, spices, and nutraceuticals has created demand for superior varieties that produce a consistent product. Likewise, there is growing interest in "molecular farming", that is, using non-food crops as natural sources of valuable chemicals.

The group draws on extensive experience in plant genetics and tissue culture, in addition to plant molecular biology, biochemistry, and light and electron microscopy to study plant development. This knowledge underpins advanced plant breeding techniques and genetic tools to help develop new plant varieties.

A shortcut to pure breeding lines
Microspore culture and doubled haploid production

Microspores are immature pollen grains that, when properly stimulated, will develop into embryos. These embryos when regenerated into plants would yield a haploid plant, i.e. having half the chromosome number of a normal plant. Further treatment doubles the chromosome number, creating a doubled haploid plant.

Conventional plant breeding mixes the genes of two parental plants. It can take many generations to cull out undesirable traits and produce a desirable uniform cultivar. By eliminating this mixing, haploid technology reduces varietal development time by 25-50%. It also allows quick identification of traits that may otherwise be hidden by dominant genes.

Varieties of canola, wheat, barley, and rice have been produced with this technology. Work is ongoing at NRC-PBI to adapt it for herbs and spices like dill, caraway, and anise, as well as nutraceuticals such as St. John’s Wort and milk thistle.

Contact: Dr. Alison Ferrie at
Phone: (306) 975-5993.

Understanding plant beginnings
photoEmbryogenesis and seed development

The development of a plant seed from fertilization is regulated by many genes. To isolate and identify these genes, the Cell Technologies Group is using the Brassica microspore system for protein phosphorylation studies, metabolite analyses and for sequencing ESTs from tissue-specific and subtracted cDNA libraries. This information can be used to better understand the stages of seed development.

A small targetted microarray has been developed from a collection of genes involved in hormone signaling and lipid and protein deposition in seeds. This microarray is being used to determine the effectiveness of plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA), its metabolites and ABA analogs in storing lipids and proteins in seed.

Contact: Dr. Joan Krochko at
Phone: (306) 975-4993.

photoPrecision plant production
Genetic transformation

Genetic transformation methods have produced many varieties of major crops, enhancing characteristics like insect resistance. Transformation techniques are also used to identify genes and find out what they do.

These techniques are well developed for the Brassicas and some legumes. Transformation technologies are also being adapted for other cruciferous species, as well as species that have potential for molecular farming and phytoremediation, or cleaning up pollution with plants.

Contact: Dr. Wilf Keller at
Phone: (306) 975-5539.

Better nutrition
Reducing antinutritionals

Pulse crops such as peas use phytic acid to store phosphorus. Unfortunately, it robs the body of essential nutrients. When pulses are fed to livestock, phytic acid in manure causes phosphorus pollution.

Legumes such as peas and beans contain long-chain sugars called oligosaccharides that we can't digest. However, the bacteria in our guts can, creating a lot of waste gas in the process.

Genes are being introduced into peas, aimed at reducing phytic acid as well as the oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose.

Contact: Dr. Patricia Polowick at
Phone: (306) 975-5584.

Genetics of seed germination and regulation of seed storage proteins

Germination is a complex process involving many genes functioning in an orderly manner. Genes are switched on at a specific time during germination to perform specific biological functions. Together, these genes bring about the seemingly lifeless dormant seed to life. Gene chips are being used to identify and study gene expression for the germination process.

One of the most important activities towards seed maturation in Brassica napus is for the seed to put aside 'seed storage proteins' needed for the next growth cycle. Knowing the genes responsible for the process of seed storage proteins may shed light on how the quality and quantity of seed storage proteins of B. napus can be manipulated.

Contact: Dr. Ed Tsang at
Phone: (306) 975-4164.











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