National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Fuel Cells
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Fuel Cells

The National Research Council (NRC) plays a major role in the development of fuel cell technology. The NRC Fuel Cell Program brings together valuable expertise from six different NRC research institutes.


Advanced Materials Desig


Modelling and Diagnostics


Aluminum Technology Centre


The NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFCI) in Vancouver is home to the NRC Fuel Cell Program. In collaboration with industry, universities and other government agencies, the program provides research and innovation support in areas critical to the growth of the sector, such as fuels research, system integration and manufacturing and component development.

Partner Institutes

NRC Industrial Materials Institute


NRC Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute


NRC Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences


NRC Institute for Research in Construction


NRC Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology


The true economic value of fuel cells lies in an entire system of supporting products and technologies. Fuel cell research at NRC focuses on a number of areas integral to the growth of the sector. NRC has also funded major capital projects to expand the number of hydrogen-safe labs and to provide testing facilities specialized for different fuel cell sizes and different fuel cell types.

NRC provides 3500 square feet of hydrogen-safe laboratory space. The Institute offers testing facilities specialized for different fuel-cell sizes and different fuel-cell types, demonstration facilities to showcase new technology, incubation space for start-ups, and access to specialized information resources.


Fuel Cells

Fuel cells are a leading contender for widespread, efficient and relatively clean power generation; their success, however, depends on our ability to reduce the costs of their materials and manufacturing. NRC fuel cell scientists, working with partners in the United Kingdom, have developed new methods to allow Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) to operate at much lower temperatures than currently possible. This means that they can be made out of less expensive materials that wouldn't be durable at higher temperatures

Date Modified: 2006-05-12
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