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Examen des normes du travail fédérales
Code canadien du travail
Rapport intérimaire
Document de consultation


Soumissions : Mémoires | Lettres et autres commentaires écrits
Mise en garde
Auteur : Reproductive Health Program, Peterborough County-City Health Unit
Titre : Submission to Federal Labour Standards Review
Date : 13 October 2005
Type : Mémoires
Langue : en anglais seulement

Pregnant workers are a vulnerable group of Canadians, and their needs should be addressed specifically in the review of the Federal Labour Standards. Working conditions can pose increased risk to the health of a mother and her unborn child, i.e. preterm birth, miscarriage, low birthweight, and birth defects. The long term costs to all levels of society is enormous. Prevention makes sense!

Changes to existing legislation should exemplify "gold standards" for developed nations.

Ensuring that all families have the opportunity to care for their child at home for a minimum of one year enhances child health and development, and supports optimal infant nutrition through breastfeeding. Currently it is not financially feasible for many families to take their entitlement of one year of Maternity/Parental Leave. All pregnant workers (i.e. full-time, part-time, casual, contract, and self-employed) should be eligible to receive Maternity and Parental Benefits at 100% of the worker's wage.

Safe working conditions should also be a priority for pregnant women. If a work place is not safe, then the pregnant worker must be accommodated by eliminating the danger, modifying the work, adapting the work, or reassigning the worker to other work (Commission de la sante et de la securite du travail du Quebec Legal Deposit, 2002). Working conditions which can pose risk to a pregnant woman include:

  • stooping or bending over more than 10 times per hour;
  • climbing a ladder more than three times in an eight hour shift;
  • stooping, bending or climbing ladders after 28th week of pregnancy;
  • climbing stairs more than three times per shift;
  • physically strenuous work;
  • work requiring balance;
  • lifting more than 50 lbs after the 20th week of pregnancy;
  • lifting heavy items after 30th week of pregnancy;
  • standing more than four hours and lifting more than 24lbs after 24 weeks;
  • standing still more than 30 minutes of every hour after 32 weeks;
  • loud noise;
  • shift work;
  • working more than 40 hours per week;
  • non-adjustable work stations;
  • prolonged sitting;
  • standing for more than four hours at a time; and
  • exposure to electromagnetic fields.

(Healthy Beginnings, Society of Obstetrics and Gynecologists of Canada; Occupational Health Clinics of Ontario Workers Inc, Ergonomics & Pregnancy; Best Start 2004, Work & Pregnancy Do Mix!)

If a pregnant worker cannot be accommodated in a safe working environment, she must be able to exercise the choice of preventive withdrawal, and still receive 100% of her wage.

Mise en garde : Nous tenons à remercier les personnes qui ont fait parvenir leurs commentaires et opinions à la Commission sur l'examen des normes du travail fédérales. Des lettres, commentaires écrits et mémoires envoyés par des individus et organisations à travers le Canada sont affichés ci-dessous. Les soumissions traitant spécifiquement de questions liées aux normes du travail ont été retenues. Veuillez toutefois noter qu'il se pourrait que certaines des questions soulevées dans ces soumissions ne s'inscrivent pas dans le mandat de la Commission.

Les soumissions affichées reflètent les points de vue et les opinions de la partie intéressée seulement et ne représentent pas nécessairement les points de vue du gouvernement du Canada ou de la Commission. La Commission n'est pas responsable du contenu des soumissions et ne peut garantir l'exactitude ou la fiabilité des informations fournies. D'autres soumissions seront affichées au fur et à mesure qu'elles deviennent disponibles.

Mise à jour :  10/31/2005 haut Avis importants