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Examen des normes du travail fédérales
Code canadien du travail
Rapport intérimaire
Document de consultation


Soumissions : Mémoires | Lettres et autres commentaires écrits
Mise en garde
Auteur : Anonymat demandé (individu)
Date : 8 novembre 2005
Type : Lettres et autres commentaires écrits
Langue : en anglais seulement

Regulation of placement agencies


I work as a Graphic Designer.
My field has been monopolized by temporary placement agencies such as Aquent and The Creative Group/Robert Half. It is extremely difficult to find work outside of these agencies, and they are very well aware of that fact. These agencies use the desperation of Designers to force them to accept lower wages, especially during off-season, such as holidays or summer.

My last assignment was billed by my agency, The Creative Group/ Robert Half at $55 per hour. Of that, I was paid $32/hour, with over 12 years of experience and a Master's Degree. That is a 45% take of my negotiated pay rate. The agency offers no benefits - no Pension, no paid vacation or sick days.

I was recently given 4 days notice that my year long contract was not going to be renewed, and offered no Severance Pay.

I should be able to expect my earnings to gradually go up, just as any other college educated professional does, in other fields of employment. These agencies bargain with a company, based on my education and skill level, and then take as much as they can from me, depending on how long they have kept me waiting for another assignment - they use my desperation against me.

I have seen my pay rate through The Creative Group/Robert Half fluctuate from $33/hour down to $27/hour in the past 15 months.

The freelance rate for a graphic designer, without going through an agency, is anywhere from $40-80/hour, dependant on one's experience. The rate of percentage an employment agency can take from a contract worker needs to be strictly regulated and enforced. There are employees with higher levels of education, or more years of experience, that are not properly compensated. They are often sent out on assignments that are paying the entry level pay scale, even though the negotiated rate is for someone of their qualifications, making it difficult for them to progess in their lives financially and to be able to properly care for themselves and their families. This is especially true in fields such as graphic design, that have become "freelance based industries" - due in most part, to agencies such as Aquent and The Creative Group.

Taking 45-50% of a contract workers' pay rate is not substantied, especially when the worker recieves no benefits or legal protection.

A standard 30% cut of a contract workers negotiated pay rate is what should be strictly enforced by the government.

Mise en garde : Nous tenons à remercier les personnes qui ont fait parvenir leurs commentaires et opinions à la Commission sur l'examen des normes du travail fédérales. Des lettres, commentaires écrits et mémoires envoyés par des individus et organisations à travers le Canada sont affichés ci-dessous. Les soumissions traitant spécifiquement de questions liées aux normes du travail ont été retenues. Veuillez toutefois noter qu'il se pourrait que certaines des questions soulevées dans ces soumissions ne s'inscrivent pas dans le mandat de la Commission.

Les soumissions affichées reflètent les points de vue et les opinions de la partie intéressée seulement et ne représentent pas nécessairement les points de vue du gouvernement du Canada ou de la Commission. La Commission n'est pas responsable du contenu des soumissions et ne peut garantir l'exactitude ou la fiabilité des informations fournies. D'autres soumissions seront affichées au fur et à mesure qu'elles deviennent disponibles.

Mise à jour :  2/14/2006 haut Avis importants