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Examen des normes du travail fédérales
Code canadien du travail
Rapport intérimaire
Document de consultation


Soumissions : Mémoires | Lettres et autres commentaires écrits

Mise en garde

Auteur : Anonymat demandé (individu)
Date : 16 février 2006
Type : Lettres et autres commentaires écrits
Langue : en anglais seulement

Good morning,

I have just recently been given information regarding the Federal Labour Standards Review.

I had originally contacted the Canadian Human Rights Commission in relation to the Proactive Initiatives program.

I am concerned about harassment in the workplace. I understand that this issue is being reviewed within the examination of Part III of the Canada Labour Code.

It was suggested that I raise my concerns with your organization.

I am writing to confirm that psychological harassment is a significant workplace concern. This infomation is available from many sources.

Since there hasn't been a major review for about 40 years, I believe that a focus on current workplace dynamics is in order. Psychological harassment and bullying rates are far above sexual harassment rates.

At this point, human rights legislation covers situations where people have special grounds to make a complaint. There is no avenue for people who are harassed on the job, who may not fit the criteria. I have been told that these situations are not the mandate of human rights, although human rights publications indicate that all workers have the right to be free from harassment. Also, currently, sexual harassment seems to be the sole basis wherein protection is afforded.

In my work as an employment advisor, I have seen people coming in for services who represent a wide range of professions, races etc. The issue doesn't limit itself to the narrow requirements of human rights legislation. These people have reported experiencing painful harassment issues on the job. They usually are no longer on the job, either having quit, or gone on a sick-leave. Neither of these avenues provide any resolution.

The labour market in Canada, at this time seems to promote stressful/hostile work situation, some sectors more so than others.

I believe it will only be by decisive actions on the federal level, that all classes and types of people will be able to address harassment and bullying experiences which occur in the worksite. (I understand that Quebec has moved ahead in developing legislation that can be enforced to keep co-workers and supervisors accountable for their chosen styles of interaction on the job.)

Harassment/bullying is on the beginning end of the spectrum towards violence in the workplace. Research substantiates this. Harassment/bullying threatens the sustainability of our workforce. A close look at lost-time due to stress-leave would reveal a high proportion of unresolved workplace issues. This also leads to high medical costs through disability benefits and re-training.

Please advise. Thank you in advance!

Mise en garde : Nous tenons à remercier les personnes qui ont fait parvenir leurs commentaires et opinions à la Commission sur l'examen des normes du travail fédérales. Des lettres, commentaires écrits et mémoires envoyés par des individus et organisations à travers le Canada sont affichés ci-dessous. Les soumissions traitant spécifiquement de questions liées aux normes du travail ont été retenues. Veuillez toutefois noter qu'il se pourrait que certaines des questions soulevées dans ces soumissions ne s'inscrivent pas dans le mandat de la Commission.

Les soumissions affichées reflètent les points de vue et les opinions de la partie intéressée seulement et ne représentent pas nécessairement les points de vue du gouvernement du Canada ou de la Commission. La Commission n'est pas responsable du contenu des soumissions et ne peut garantir l'exactitude ou la fiabilité des informations fournies. D'autres soumissions seront affichées au fur et à mesure qu'elles deviennent disponibles.

Mise à jour :  2/17/2006 haut Avis importants