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Annex A: Comparison of Statements in May 18 Legal Opinion, May 25 Memorandum of Provost Marshal, and May 30 CFNIS PowerPoint Presentation

Annex A: Comparison of Statements in May 18 Legal Opinion, May 25 Memorandum of Provost Marshal, and May 30 CFNIS PowerPoint Presentation

May 18 Legal Opinion CFPM Memorandum – May 25, 2000 May 30, 2000, Press Conference PowerPoint Presentation
– that a group of soldiers during Roto 2 discussed, on a number of occasions, the removal of WO Stopford from his position of command through the placement of various substances, including naphtha, in his coffee; … that a group of soldiers during Roto 2 discussed, on a number of occasions, the removal of ex-WO STOPFORD from his position of command, through the placement of various substances, including naphtha, in his coffee. During Roto 2, a number of identified soldiers did, in fact, place substances such as naphtha, anti-freeze, anti-irritant eye drops, and boot blackener, in coffee intended to be consumed by Ex-Warrant Officer Matt Stopford.
– that these discussions, although depicted by many as simply venting, appear to have had a practical and serious thread to them; These discussions, although depicted by many as simply venting, appeared to have had a practical and serious thread to them.  
– that following this discussion, and likely as a result of this discussion, at least three soldiers placed a substance in the coffee cup of WO Stopford; Following these discussions, and likely as a result of the discussions, at least three soldiers placed a substance in the coffee cup of ex-WO STOPFORD.  
– that Visine, coolant and naphtha were placed in Stopford’s coffee; CThese substances included naphtha, Visine and coolant. “substances such as naphtha, anti-freeze, anti-irritant eye drops, and boot blackener”
– that there was an ongoing awareness of a number of soldiers that a substance was being placed in Stopford’s coffee and that the soldiers were looking for a physical effect on Stopford; It has also been determined that there was an ongoing awareness on the part of a number of soldiers that a substance was being placed in ex-WO STOPFORD’s coffee and that these soldiers were looking for a physical effect on ex-WO STOPFORD.  
May 18 Legal Opinion CFPM Memorandum – May 25, 2000 May 30, 2000, Press Conference PowerPoint Presentation
– that there is no precise way to gauge the exact amounts of or the range of substances which may have been placed in Stopford’s coffee, however, it appears most likely that the placement of substances in his coffee was in small amounts and of short duration; and However, this investigation has been unable to determine the exact amounts of or the range of substances that may have been inserted or if, in fact, ex-WO STOPFORD actually ingested the coffee into which the substances were inserted. The amount of substances placed in the coffee, and the frequency in which they were administered, cannot be clearly established.

1 Note to the Reader: Throughout this report mention of the CFPM refers to BGen Patricia Samson. Please note that Col Dorothy A. Cooper has been named CFPM effective January 15, 2001.
2 References to the CFNIS or the task force include RCMP Insp Russ Grabb.
3 Although the MPCC recognizes that the CFNIS does not provide “advice” to the CDS, the same terminology as that found in the SRG Report shall be used for consistency.
4 Complaints About the Conduct of Members of Military Police Regulations, P.C. 1999-2065.
5 The press conference occurred on May 30, not May 31.
6 In fact, this occurred in August, not June.
7 This occurred on May 30, not May 31.
8 This occurred on May 30, not May 31.
9 The letter was sent in August, not June.
10 This visit to ex-WO Stopford and the CFNIS press conference both occurred on May 30, not May 31.
11 References to the CFNIS or the task force include RCMP Insp Russ Grabb.
12 This should read 30 May.
13 This should read 30 May.
14 A comparison of the language in the May 18 legal opinion, the May 25 memorandum of BGen Samson and the May 30 PowerPoint presentation is found in Annex A to this report.
15 The test for laying charges has previously been discussed under the heading “Legal Test for Laying Charges.”
16 Ex-WO Stopford’s statements at the press conference and in his affidavit erred slightly on some of the dates. The CFNIS press conference was in fact held on May 30, 2000, and WO Burton visited him on the same day. The Minister held a press conference on May 30, and the CDS held a press conference on June 1. BGen Samson wrote to ex-WO Stopford in August 1999, not June 1999. However, these minor variations have no bearing on the issues raised by ex-WO Stopford.
17 Complaints About the Conduct of Members of Military Police Regulations, P.C. 1999-2065.

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