United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM): Working for Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality

UNIFEM celebrates its 30th Anniversary, 1976-2006

30 Years of Challenge, 30 Years of Change

UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman Visits Kosovo. Click for photos and more information.


  • 27.10.06

    Women’s Peace Torch Arrives in Uganda in Solidarity with the Women of Northern Uganda

    The Women's Peace Torch arrives today in Kampala to begin a journey of solidarity with the women of Northern Uganda. Having travelled in 2003 ... more 

  • 26.10.06

    First Congress of Latin American and Caribbean HIV-Positive Women, Adolescents and Girls

    With the attendance of 242 delegates from 20 countries, the First Congress of Latin American and Caribbean HIV-Positive Women, Adolescents and Girls was held ... more 

  • 26.10.06

    Women's Roles in Peace Consolidation

    Speech by Noeleen Heyzer, Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, 26 October 2006. more 

  • 19.10.06

    Northern Uganda Women Speak Out on Juba Peace Talks

    With the support of UNIFEM and under the leadership of the Uganda Women's Network (UWONET), the Civil Society Women's Peace Coalition — a group ... more 

  • 17.10.06

    UNIFEM Launches Joint Programme to Prevent Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS in the Great Lakes Region

    UNIFEM and the Government of Burundi have launched a Joint Programme on Preventing Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS at a workshop that was held in ... more 

  • May 2005

    Fraud Alert – UNIFEM Vacancy Announcements

    UNIFEM is aware of fictitious job vacancy announcements that are being circulated through the Internet, the purpose of which is to get people to register for a training and send in a fee. This is a scam. more

UNIFEM Web Portals

Web Portal: Women, War & Peace Web Portal: Gender & HIV/AIDS Web Portal: Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives Web Portal: Gender Equality & the Millennium Development Goals