Everyday issues can become legal problems - we can help.

Justice Education Society improves the legal capability of individuals and builds the capacity of justice systems.

Learn About Law

Teaching Resources

Visit LawLessons.ca to access BC’s largest collection of legal education teaching resources

Court Visits

The Justice System Education Program has introduced more than one million students to BC courts.

Online Courses

The JES Online Academy provides BC’s largest collection of public legal education courses online.

About Us

The Justice Education Society improves the legal capability of individuals and builds the capacity of justice systems.

  • We improve legal capability by providing legal help information and services, plus legal education programs and resources.
  • We build the capacity of justice systems by providing specialized training and programs that enhance the core functions of legal systems in Canada and throughout the world.


 Help us introduce BC courts to students throughout the province. The Justice System Education Program teaches people the value of understanding BC's justice system through mock trials, court orientations, and speaker sessions from judges, sheriffs, and lawyers.

Our Funders