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Industrial Security Sector 65th Anniversary


Industrial Security Sector Presentation
to Industrial Security Advisory Board

May 20, 2005

Table of Contents:

Industrial Security Sector:

  • Director General - Gerry Deneault

  • Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate (CIISD)
    A/Director - Albert Bissonnette

  • Controlled Goods Directorate (CGD)
    Director - Peter Hull

  • Program Harmonization and Services Directorate (PHSD)
    A/Director - Mary Lou Devine

  • Responsible for the two service lines under the Industrial Security Program:
    - contract security via the Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate
    - controlled goods via the Controlled Goods Directorate

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Industrial Security Program:

  • Exists since 1946 (DND) - PWGSC (DSS) since 1969

  • Mandates:
    - NATO
    - International agreements
    - GSP

  • Lead Agency under GSP and DSA under NATO

  • Protection of Canadian and foreign Government sensitive assets and information in industry

  • In PWGSC because contractual clauses are used to ensure compliance (for Classified/Protected assets)

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These services are vital to help:

  • Maintain the trust and confidence of NATO and other allies

  • Ensure the continued sharing of foreign sensitive technologies with Canadian industry

  • Maintain a strong and viable Canadian defence, aerospace and research sector

  • Prevent rogue states, terrorists and spies from accessing sensitive information in industry

  • Streamline government contracting

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ISP Workload Drivers

  • 9/11 - war in Iraq - anti-terrorism contracting and consulting

  • 2002 Government Security Policy

  • 2004 National Security Policy

  • Increase in Government contracts containing security requirements (Canadian and foreign)

  • Pressure to maintain security and vigilance

  • Increase in company acquisitions, mergers, buy-outs

  • Cross-border automated exchanges of sensitive information

  • Expansion within NATO

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Main Stakeholders and Clients

  • Canadian industry, consultants, small business

  • Industry Associations

  • DSOs in all departments and agencies


  • Procurement community (PWGSC and OGDs)

  • NATO agencies/offices

  • U.S. (DOD-DHS (e.g. Customs, FBI); State; Commerce; NSA)

  • Foreign Governments National Security Authority/Designated Security Authority

  • Other levels of government

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Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate (CIISD) - Services

  • Negotiating International industrial security MOUs, agreements and arrangements

  • Personnel Security Clearances

  • Facility Security Clearances

  • Processing Canadian and foreign visits

  • Transmission of Classified/Protected information and assets

  • Certifying automated systems

  • Contract security (e.g., proper clauses)

  • Outreach - training and awareness

  • Compliance monitoring (inspections)

  • Advice, consultation and assistance to industry

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Industrial Security Operations

  • Sponsorships

  • Facility Security Clearances (FSC)

  • Designated Organization Screening (DOS)

  • Security in Contracting

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Personnel Security

  • Reliability Status

  • Confidential

  • Secret

  • Top Secret

  • NATO

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International Security

  • Negotiation of Industrial Security MOUs, arrangements and agreements with foreign countries
    - All NATO countries plus Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, Israel

  • Participation in International forums such as:
    - MISWG Multinational Industrial Security Working Group
    - US/Canada Security and Technology Sharing Subcommittee
    - NATO Ad Hoc Working Groups
    - NATO Security Committees

  • Government-to-Government transfers of Classified/Protected information/assets

  • Project/Program Security Instructions

  • International Transportation Plans

  • Security Communications links
    - voice, data, facsimile

  • Canadian and Foreign Visit Clearances System

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Canada/US Joint Certification Program

  • Unclassified military data that is subject to the Technical Data Control Regulations

  • Provides access to contract opportunities

  • Facilitates attendance at restricted/controlled meetings

  • Arranges direct visits

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  • 5,000 + Companies registered

  • 60,000+ Personnel Security Clearances/year

  • 300,000 screened people in data base

  • 2,700+ Visits Clearances Requests / verification of personnel security clearances of approximately 23,000 visitors

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Controlled Goods Directorate

  • Background

  • Domestic security program

  • Regulates access to controlled goods

  • Mandate from Defence Production Act and Controlled Goods Regulations

  • Preserves US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Canadian Exemption

    Note: Penalties of up to $2 million dollars a day and ten years in prison
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What are Controlled Goods?

  • Export Control List - Group 2 - goods specifically designed or modified for military use

    - automatic weapons and firearms
    - ammunition and components specially designed for controlled goods
    - all goods, including weapons with a calibre greater than 12.7 mm, projectors, bombs, missiles, related equipment and accessories

  • Export Control List - Group 5

    - global navigation satellite systems, ground control stations, and nuclear weapon design and testing equipment

  • Export Control List - Group 6

    - all items - missile technology

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What is Controlled Technology?

  • Technical data
    - blueprints, formulas, engineering designs, etc.

  • Technical assistance
    - instructions, training, working knowledge, etc.

  • Technology necessary for development, production or use of a controlled good

    Note: Technology may be controlled, even if the product is not.

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Legal Obligations of Firms

  • Register with the Controlled Goods Directorate

  • Appoint a Designated Official (DO)

  • Implement security plans

  • Maintain records

  • Train employees, visitors and temporary workers

  • Report security breaches

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CGD Statistics

  • 2,500+ businesses registered

  • 3,100+ sites with controlled goods

  • 4,300+ visitors and temporary workers cleared

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Program support

  • Provided by Program Harmonization and Services Directorate:

    - managing the business transformation of ISS and researching and developing opportunities for further harmonization of services
    - Researching and developing policies and directives for both programs
    - Maintaining and enhancing security databases
    - Formulating risk management and performance measurement objectives
    - Carrying out internal financial, human resources and administrative roles

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Challenges facing the Industrial Security Sector

  • CAC Study - ISS under-resourced resulting in:

    - Delays in levels of service to clients
    - Barely keeping up with demands
    - Slow response, poor reputation

  • Outdated mandate (Cold War - W W II)

  • Ineffective ties to security and intelligence community

  • Viewed primarily as a "security clearance" function (people and companies)

  • Ineffective and outdated processes

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Overview of stakeholder sessions - what we learned

  • Held to get feedback into organizational design and brainstorm ideas for enhancements

  • Outlined Business Case including risks and consequences of not correcting deficiencies

  • Revealed that support for the program is widespread as is recognition of challenges

  • Stakeholders put forward many potential service delivery enhancements

  • Some of these enhancements are addressed in the last slides on our new direction

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Accomplished to date

  • Developed Business Case and obtained stakeholder support for direction (including NSA)

  • Re-established credibility - ongoing

  • Stabilized the organization - ongoing

  • Created the Industrial Security Advisory Board (DG-VP level)
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Our new direction... short-term

  • Aggressively eliminate backlog in:

    - Registrations
    - Clearances
    - Inspections
    - Investigations

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Our new direction... long-term

  • Secure additional funding

  • Government Centre of Expertise for Industrial Security

  • Recognition of ISS within the security and intelligence community

  • Government-wide consistency and a level playing field

  • Examination and implementation of business transformation initiatives including:

    - Greater automation
    * Access to clearance info on-line
    * Security Requirements Checklist
    * Fingerprints
    * Automatic contract clause generators
    * Complete forms once (submit updates only)

    - Increased company-to-company transactions
    * vs. having to come through ISP

    - Single security clearance pool
    * government and contractors

    - Eliminate need for transfers of clearances

  • Risk-based inspections
    - less inspections but more thorough (teams)

  • Increased outreach

  • Improved access to, and sharing of, intelligence

  • Real-time secure communications
    - between ISP and CSOs/DOs

  • More flexibility for Departments and Agencies (delivery)
    - ISP services
    - Private Sector inspections - training
    - Self inspections
    - DSO inspections - security clearances - training

  • Improved emphasis on international partnerships

  • Delegation of select services to procurement community (e.g. contract clauses)

  • Attracting and retaining expertise

  • Re-defining what industrial security really means in today's global security environment

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We'd like to hear your ideas...

  • Gerry Deneault 613-948-1777

  • Albert Bissonnette 613-948-1627

  • Peter Hull 613-948-1767

  • Mary Lou Devine 613-948-1769

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