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Transfer/Redeem from a Deceased Owner
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Documents required to redeem Government of Canada Retail Debt instruments from a deceased registered owner or to transfer to a beneficiary(ies)
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For all provinces except Quebec
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(For Quebec estate information, please contact 1 800 575-5151 / TTY 1 800 354-2222 Monday to Friday 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time.)
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When applicable, physical Government of Canada Retail Debt Instruments (certificates/bonds) must be presented.
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Government of Canada Retail Debt Instruments Registered with Rights of Survivorship
(Registration example: John Smith and Mary Smith and survivor)
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When a Government of Canada Retail Debt Instrument is registered in two or more names with the words AND SURVIVOR, and one or more of the registered co-owners die, registration of the debt instrument may be transferred to the survivor(s) when proof of death* of the deceased owner(s) is presented.
* A proof of death acceptable to the Bank of Canada as outlined in Proof of Death at the end of this document must be provided.
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Government of Canada Retail Debt Instruments Registered to co-owners
(Registration example: John Smith and Mary Smith)
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When a Government of Canada Retail Debt Instrument is registered in two or more names without rights of survivorship and one or more of the registered co-owners die, no rights to a transfer of registration automatically accrue to the remaining owner(s). In order to transfer the debt instrument the appropriate documentation is required.
(Refer to Estates below)
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For Estate value limits and documentation requirements refer to the Bank of Canada Business Rules
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When a certificate such as Letters Probate or Letters of Administration has been issued by the court, the following must be provided:
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A notarial/court certified copy of Letters Probate with a copy of Will annexed or Letters of Administration Form 2351 Transfer/Redemption of Government of Canada securities from a deceased registered owner to a beneficiary(ies)
sections 1, 2 and section 4 must be duly completed
sections 3A, 5, 6, 7 must be complied with
must be dated and signed by the appointed estate representative(s)
the signature(s) must be guaranteed by a Canadian Financial Institution OR signed in front of a Notary Public under signature and seal of office
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Died with a Will (Testate)
When no certificate was issued by the court for any other assets, (e.g., Letters Probate), the following must be provided:
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A notarial certified copy of the Will with the notary's signature and seal of office. Any survival clause in the Will must be respected. A proof of death that is acceptable to the Bank of Canada as outlined in Proof of Death. Form 2351 Transfer/Redemption of Government of Canada securities from a deceased registered owner to a beneficiary(ies)
sections 1, 2, 3B and section 4 must be duly completed
sections 5, 6, 7 must be complied with
must be dated and signed by the appointed estate representative(s)
the signature(s) must be guaranteed by a Canadian Financial Institution OR signed in front of a Notary Public under signature and seal of office
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Died without a Will (Intestate)
When no certificate was issued by the court for any other assets, (e.g., Letters of Administration), the following must be provided:
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A proof of death that is acceptable to the Bank of Canada as outlined in Proof of Death. Form 2351 Transfer/Redemption of Government of Canada securities from a deceased registered owner to a beneficiary(ies)
sections 1, 2, 3C, 4 must be duly completed
sections 5, 6, 7 must be complied with
must be dated and signed by the appointed estate representative(s)
the signature(s) must be guaranteed by a Canadian Financial Institution OR signed in front of a Notary Public under signature and seal of office
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Proof of Death
One of the following is acceptable to the Bank of Canada:
an original Death Certificate issued by a Provincial Registrar or a notarial certified copy with a notary's signature and seal of office or certified by a Canadian Financial Institution.
an original Death Certificate from an undertaking establishment issued under corporate seal and original signature or a notarial certified copy with the notary's signature and seal of office or certified by a Canadian Financial Institution.
an original Death Certificate issued by a church under seal and minister of religion's signature or a notarial certified copy with the notary's signature and seal of office or certified by a Canadian Financial Institution.
an original certificate of finding issued by a coroner properly identified or a notarial certified copy with the notary's signature and seal of office or certified by a Canadian Financial Institution.
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Any difference in name between Government of Canada Retail Debt Instruments and legal documents should be covered by a letter of guarantee from a financial institution or a lawyer stating e.g., John Doe, John H Doe and John Harry Doe are one and the same person.
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In most cases, original legal documents will be returned.
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Government of Canada Retail Debt Instruments, legal documents and correspondence should be mailed to:
Canada Savings Bonds
Transfer & Exchange Unit
PO Box 2770, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1J7
If you require more information in this regards, please call:
for the Public 1 800 575-5151 / TTY 1 800 354-2222
for Financial Institutions 1 888 646-2626
(Monday to Friday 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time)
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Updated:    2004 09 09
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