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Canada in the World: Canadian International Policy
International Policy

Aboard a Canadian-chartered evacuation vessel in the Port of Beirut.  Canada worked closely with the Israeli Defence Force to secure safe passage for all evacuation vessels.
Current Situation in the Middle East
Canada's Evacuation Efforts
The evacuation of almost 15,000 people from Lebanon was a unique – and by far the largest – operation of its kind in our country’s history.  The Lebanon evacuation dwarfs our most significant previous experience, when we evacuated 500 Canadians in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. 
This represented a massive whole-of-government effort.  Officials from across government came together quickly, worked together effectively and overcame many challenges to execute this wide-ranging and complex operation.
[Official Government of Canada statements on the evacuation]

What is Canada doing to assist the people of Lebanon?

September 12

To date, eight projects will be funded through the Lebanon Relief Fund which will provide for water and sanitation, shelter, protection, medical facilities and repair to essential infrastructure in Lebanon.

August 29
helicopter contracted by the Government of Canada was put at the disposal of the UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit in Lebanon to conduct an aerial survey of the coastal waters north of Beirut for signs of an oil spill which had been produced during the recent conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. [more]
August 16
Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the creation a $25 million Lebanon Relief Fund to respond effectively to relief, early recovery, and stabilization needs in Lebanon.
July 28
Through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canada provided a contribution of $5 million in response to the UN Flash Appeal.
July 20
Through CIDA, Canada announced an initial contribution of $1 million in immediate humanitarian assistance, including $500,000 provided to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to assist and protect affected civilians in Lebanon.
[Official Government of Canada statements on humanitarian assistance

Canada's official position on the situation in the Middle East
The July 16 G8 Statement on the Middle East exactly reflects Canada's position on the situation.  More detail can be found in the August 1 address by Minister MacKay to the Standing Committee On Foreign Affairs and International Development.
[Statements related to Canada's official position]

Digest - News and statements
Canada's position
2006-08-22 - Statement by Ambassador McNee to the UN Security Council
2006-08-12 - Statement by Minister MacKay on UN Security Council Resolution on the Middle East
2006-08-01 - Address by Minister MacKay to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development
2006-07-31 - Statement by the Prime Minister on the Death of Major Hess-von Kruedener
2006-07-26 - International Conference for Lebanon (Rome): Co-Chairman Statement
2006-07-26 - Statement by the Prime Minister on Report of CF Member Missing and Presumed Dead
2006-07-25 - Minister MacKay to Attend Rome Meeting on Lebanon
2006-07-21 - Statement by Ambassador McNee to the UN Security Council
2006-07-16 - G8 Statement on the Middle East
2006-07-16 - Statement by Minister MacKay on the Deaths of Canadians in Southern Lebanon
2006-07-12 - Statement by Minister MacKay on Recent Events in the Middle East
2006-09-12 - Backgrounder: Lebanon Relief Fund Update

2006-09-01 - Stockholm Conference: Canadian Statement | Chairman's Summary

2006-08-30 - Ted Menzies to Attend International Conference for Lebanon's Early Recovery

2006-08-30 - Canada Helps Clean Up Oil Spill Off Lebanon Coast
2006-08-16 - Prime Minister Announces New Lebanon Relief Fund
2006-07-28 - Government of Canada responds to UN Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance for People of Lebanon
2006-07-20 - Government of Canada Announces Immediate Humanitarian Assistance for Lebanon
Evacuation effort
2006-07-27 - Immigration Measures to Help Reunite Families Affected by the Lebanon Conflict
2006-07-24 - CF Assistance to DFAIT in the Evacuation of Canadians From Lebanon
2006-07-21 - Minister Verner Welcomes Evacuees to Montreal
2006-07-20 - Canadian Government Deploys Military to Assist With Departure of Canadians in Lebanon
2006-07-19 - Statement by the Prime Minister on Cyprus Airlift
2006-07-16 - Statement by Minister MacKay on Efforts to Support Canadians in Lebanon

Key Figures: 

  • $31 million committed to address humanitarian and reconstruction needs in the region
  • almost 15,000 evacuees from Lebanon in the period between July 19 and August 15
  • 358 government officials redeployed (174-DFAIT; 150-DND; 34-CIC/CBSA) either from Ottawa or reassigned from elsewhere abroad to Beirut, Cyprus or Turkey to assist evacuees in transit [evacuation map]
  • 5,000 phone calls per day from Canadian officials to registered Canadians in Lebanon at the height of the crisis
  • 215 DFAIT employees volunteered at the Emergency Operations Centre in Ottawa
  • 45,000 calls and 12,000 emails have been received and responded to by the Emergency Operations Centre thus far
  • 40,000 registered Canadians in Lebanon, a number that almost quadrupled over the course of the crisis 

  • Advice to Canadians
  • How Canadians can help
  • Canada at the Rome Conference
  • UN Security Council Resolution 1701
  • CIC: Visa Services
  • CIDA: Canadian Assistance in Lebanon