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Catalogue Search Results

Activities & Games View your shopping cart  Next product from results list Go to top of page

Ankylosaur Scute / Ankylosaur - plaque osseuse
Series: Dino Fossils / Fossiles / Fosiles
Vol: 2
Polygone - 2001


Apatosaurus / Apatosaurus
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 3
John Acorn - 1994


Chasy Travel Mug / Tasse de voyage Chasy
Canadian Museum of Nature - 2001


Daspletosaurus / Daspletosaurus
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Dromiceiomimus / Dromiceiomimus
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Edmontosaurus / Edmontosaurus
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Hadrosaur Toe Bone / Hadrosaur - os d'orteil
Series: Dino Fossils / Fossiles / Fosiles
Vol: 3
Polygone - 2001


Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 7
Jennifer Glossop - 1999


I See It! I See It!
Karl G. Remus - 1987


Le leptocératops
Series: Le parfait petit dinosaure
John Acorn - 1991


Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 1
John Acorn - 1991


Massospondylus / Massospondylus
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Megalodon: The Prehistoric Shark
Series: Dig & Discover TM Series
Stephen Cumbaa - 1998


Old Fourlegs: A "Living Fossil" / Le vieux quadrupède "Fossile vivant"
Series: Paper Sculptures/Sculptures de papier
Vol: 1
Don E. McAllister - 1976


Ornithomimosaur Claw / Ornithomimosaure - griffe
Series: Dino Fossils / Fossiles / Fosiles
Vol: 1
Polygone - 2001


Saurolophus / Saurolophus
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Sauropelta / Sauropelta
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles dinosaures
Ely Kish


Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 4
Jennifer Glossop - 1995


The Bones and Skeleton Game Book
Series: Bones Book and Skeleton
Stephen Cumbaa - 1993


The Bones Book and Skeleton
Series: Bones Book and Skeleton
Stephen Cumbaa - 1991


The Bug Book and the Bug Bottle
Hugh Danks - 1987


The Neanderthal Book and Skeleton
Series: Bones Book and Skeleton
Stephen Cumbaa - 1997


The Polar Bear / L'ours blanc
Series: Paper Sculptures/Sculptures de papier
Vol: 2
Joseph R. Silwa - 1977


Triceratops / Triceratops
Series: Dinosaur Mini Puzzles / Mini-puzzles de dinosaures
Ely Kish


Triceratops / Tricératops
Series: Paper Sculptures/Sculptures de papier
Vol: 3
Joseph R. Sliwa - 1977


Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 5
Jennifer Glossop - 1996


Tyrannosaur Tooth / Tyrannosaure - dent
Series: Dino Fossils / Fossiles / Fosiles
Vol: 4
Polygone - 2001


Tyrannosaurus rex
Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 2
John Acorn - 1993


Series: The Tiny Perfect Dinosaur
Vol: 6
Jennifer Glossop - 1997


Wildflower Field Guide and Press
Carol Campbell


Audio Products View your shopping cart Previous product from results list Next product from results list Go to top of page

Below and Above the Ground
Series: The Secret World of Animals
Dr. Wilson - 1991


In the Air
Series: The Secret World of Animals
Dr. Kreithen - 1991


Le monde secret des animaux
Dr. Ferron


Natural Sounds of Ontario: Birds, Frogs and Mammals
Monty Brigham - 2003


On the Earth
Series: The Secret World of Animals
Dr. Goodall - 1991


Under the Water
Series: The Secret World of Animals
Dr. Chu - 1991


Warblers to Sparrows
Series: Bird Sounds of Canada
Vol: 3
Monty Brigham


CD-Roms & Multimedia View your shopping cart Previous product from results list Next product from results list Go to top of page

Le Grand Nord
On/Q Corporation - 1998


Survival! The Game
Series: The Living Dinosaur Project
Virtual Collaborations Inc. - 2001


General Audience Titles View your shopping cart Previous product from results list Next product from results list Go to top of page

A Guide to the Jellyfish of Canadian Atlantic Waters
C.T. Shih - 1977


An Odyssey in Time: The Dinosaurs of North America (paperback)
Dale A. Russell - 1989


Animals from Other Continents (paperback)
Series: Natural History Notebooks
Vol: 3
Charles Douglas - 1979


Bats (paperback)
Series: Handbook of Canadian Mammals
Vol: 2
C.G. van Zyll de Jong - 1985


Canada's Biodiversity (paperback) / La biodiversité du Canada (disquette)
Ted Mosquin - 1995


Canadian Wild Flowers (paperback)
Catharine Parr Traill - 2003


Encyclopedia of Canadian Fishes (hardcover)
Brian W. Coad - 1995


Encyclopédie des oiseaux du Québec (couverture souple)
W. Earl Godfrey - 1990


Famous Mineral Localities of Canada (hardcover)
Joel D. Grice - 1989


Fishes of Canada's National Capital Region (paperback) / Poissons de la région de la capitale du Canada (Couverture souple)
Don E. McAllister - 1974


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 1:1
- 1991


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 1:3
- 1991


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 2:1
- 1992


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 2:2
- 1992


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 2:3
- 1992


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 2:4


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 3:1
- 1993


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 3:2
- 1993


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 3:3
- 1993


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 3:4
- 1993


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 4:1
- 1994


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 4:2
- 1994


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 5:1
- 1995


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 5:2
- 1995


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 5:3
- 1995


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 5:4
- 1995


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 6:1
- 1996


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 6:2
- 1996


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 6:4
- 1996


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 7:1
- 1997


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 7:2
- 1996


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 7:3
- 1997


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 8:2
- 1998


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 8:3
- 1998


Global Biodiversity Magazine
Series: Global Biodiversity
Vol: 8:4
- 1998


Guide des méduses des eaux canadiennes de l’Atlantique
C.T. Shih - 1977


Guide des poissons marins de pêche sportive de l’Atlantique canadien et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre (couverture souple)
Brian W. Coad - 1992


Identification Guide to the Trees of Canada (hardcover)
Jean Lauriault - 1989


Identification Guide to the Trees of Canada (paperback)
Jean Lauriault - 1989


Journal de météorologie
Carol Thiessen - 1987


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 1:1
- 1991


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 1:2
- 1991


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 1:3
- 1991


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 1:4
- 1991


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 2:1
- 1992


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 2:2
- 1992


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 2:3
- 1992


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 2:4
- 1992


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 3:1
- 1993


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 3:2
- 1993


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 3:3
- 1993


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 3:4
- 1993


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 4:2
- 1994


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 4:3
- 1994


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 4:4
- 1994


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 5:1
- 1995


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 5:2
- 1995


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 5:3
- 1995


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 5:4
- 1996


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 6:1
- 1996


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 6:2
- 1996


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 6:3
- 1996


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 6:4
- 1996


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 7:1
- 1997


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 7:2
- 1997


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 7:3
- 1997


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 7:4
- 1997


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 8:1
- 1998


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 8:2
- 1998


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 8:3
- 1998


La biodiversité mondiale
Series: La biodiversité mondiale
Vol: 8:4
- 1998


Le vieux quadrupède "Fossile vivant" (couverture souple)
Don E. McAllister - 1971


Légumes sauvages du Canada
Series: Plantes sauvages comestibles du Canada
Vol: 4
Adam F. Szczawinski - 1980


Les animaux de l'Amérique du nord (couverture souple)
Series: Carnets d'histoire naturelle
Vol: 1
Charles Douglas - 1977


Les animaux des autres continents (couverture souple)
Series: Carnets d'histoire naturelle
Vol: 3
Charles Douglas - 1979


Les animaux préhistoriques (couverture souple)
Series: Carnets d'histoire naturelle
Vol: 5
Charles Douglas - 1981


Les animaux rares, menacés et disparus (couverture souple)
Series: Carnets d'histoire naturelle
Vol: 4
Charles Douglas - 1981


Les boeufs musqués de la passe Polar Bear (couverture rigide)
David R. Gray - 1987


Les chauves-souris (couverture souple)
Series: Traité des mammifères du Canada
Vol: 2
C.G. van Zyll de Jong - 1985


Les écureuils du Canada (couverture rigide)
S.E. Woods, Jr. - 1980


Les écureuils du Canada (couverture souple)
S.E. Woods, Jr. - 1980


Les marsupiaux et les insectivores (couverture souple)
Series: Traité des mammifères du Canada
Vol: 1
C.G. van Zyll de Jong - 1983


Les mollusques d’eau douce du Canada (couverture rigide)
Arthur H. Clarke - 1981


Les oiseaux du Canada, Édition révisée (couverture rigide)
W. Earl Godfrey - 1986


Lichens of North America
Irwin M. Brodo - 2001


Marsupials and Insectivores (paperback)
Series: Handbook of Canadian Mammals
Vol: 1
C.G. van Zyll de Jong - 1983


Mauvaises herbes comestibles de nos jardins
Series: Plantes sauvages comestibles du Canada
Vol: 1
Adam F. Szczawinski - 1978


Mount Revelstoke National Park Wild Flowers (paperback)
James H. Soper - 1976


North American Animals Part 1(paperback)
Series: Natural History Notebooks
Vol: 1
Charles Douglas - 1977


North American Animals Part 2 (paperback)
Series: Natural History Notebooks
Vol: 2
Charles Douglas - 1978


Old Fourlegs: A "Living Fossil" (paperback)
Don E. McAllister - 1971


Plant Life in the Arctic (paperback)
A.E. Porsild - 1951


Plantes sauvages des montagnes Rocheuses (couverture souple)
A.E. Porsild - 1974


Plantes sauvages du parc national Mont Revelstoke (couverture souple)
James H. Soper - 1976


Prehistoric Animals (paperback)
Series: Natural History Notebooks
Vol: 5
Charles Douglas - 1981


Qu'est ce qu'un dinosaure ? (couverture souple)
Series: Série des cahiers d'activités
Vol: 2
Mary Anne Dancey - 1986


Qu'est-ce qu'un oiseau ? (couverture souple)
Series: Série des cahiers d'activités
Vol: 1
Bonnie Gordon - 1986


Rare, Endangered and Extinct Animals (paperback)
Series: Natural History Notebooks
Vol: 4
Charles Douglas - 1981


Rocky Mountain Wild Flowers (paperback)
A.E. Porsild - 1979


Sites miniers célèbres du Canada (couverture rigide)
Joel D. Grice - 1989


Skeleton Leaves and Phantom Flowers
K.E. Tilton and Company - 2003


Sous la glace (couverture souple)
Kathy Conlan - 2004


Succédanés sauvages du thé et du café au Canada
Series: Plantes sauvages comestibles du Canada
Vol: 2
Nancy J. Turner - 1978


The Freshwater Molluscs of Canada (hardcover)
Arthur H. Clarke - 1981


The Muskoxen of Polar Bear Pass (hardcover)
David R. Gray - 1987


The Squirrels of Canada (hardcover)
S.E. Woods, Jr. - 1980


The Squirrels of Canada (paperback)
S.E. Woods, Jr. - 1980


Under the Ice (hardcover)
Kathy Conlan - 2002


Under the Ice (paperback)
Kathy Conlan - 2004


What is a Bird? (paperback)
Bonnie Gordon - 1986


Scientific Titles View your shopping cart Previous product from results list Next product from results list Go to top of page

A Bibliography of Mustelids: Part IX: European Mink
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 66
Phillip M. Youngman - 1991


A Bibliography of the Sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae: Osteichthyes)
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 35
Brian W. Coad - 1981


A Catalogue of the Marine Algae of the Canadian Arctic
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 9
R.K.S. Lee - 1980


A Check List of the Families and Genera of North American Dinosaurs
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 53
Dale A. Russell - 1984


A Checklist and Bibliography of the North American Enchytraeidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta)
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 9
Michael J. Tynen - 1975


A Checklist and Bibliography of the Sipuncula from Canadian and Adjacent Waters
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 46
P.G. Frank - 1983


A Distributional Atlas of Records of the Marine Fishes of Arctic Canada in the National Museums of Canada and Arctic Biological Station
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 52
J.G. Hunter - 1984


A Guide to the Identification of Postcranial Bones of Bos taurus and Bison bison
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 71
Darlene McCuaig Balkwill - 1992


A List of Rotifera Recorded from Canada with Synonyms
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 11
R. Chengalath - 1977


A List of the Fishes of Canada / Liste de poissons du Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 64
Don E. McAllister - 1990


A New Cottid Fish, Nautichthys robustus, from Alaska and British Columbia
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 2
Alex E. Peden - 1970


A New Nonparasitic Species of Lamprey, Genus Lethenteron (Petromyzonidae) from Eastern Tributaries of the Gulf of Mexico, USA.
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 12
V.D. Vladykov - 1975


A New Species of Arctic Eelpout, Lycodes sagittarius, from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, and the Kara Sea, USSR (Pisces: Zoarcidae)
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 9
Don E. McAllister - 1975


A Phylogenetic Tree of the Animal Kingdom (including orders and higher categories) / L’arbre phylogénétique du règne animal (y compris les ordres et les catégories supérieures)
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 8
J. Kukalová-Peck - 1973


A Second Checklist and Bibliography of the Lichens and Allied Fungi of British Columbia
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 61
Willa J. Noble - 1987


A Systematic Study of Recent Bison, with Particular Consideration of the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae Rhoads 1898)
Series: Publications in Natural Sciences
Vol: 6
C.G. van Zyll de Jong - 1986


An Analysis of Toads of the Bufo americanus Group in a Contact Zone in Central Northern North America
Series: Publications in Natural Sciences
Vol: 3
Francis R. Cook - 1983


Annotated Bibliography of Quarternary Vertebrates of Northern North America
C.R. Harington - 2003


Arthropods of Polar Bear Pass, Bathurst Island, Arctic Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 25
H.V. Danks - 1980


Atlas of Ontario Mosses
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 70
Robert R. Ireland - 1992


Atlas of the Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. Part 1. / Atlas des plantes vasculaires rares de l’Ontario. Partie 1.
Vol: 1
George W. Argus, editor/rédacteur - 1982


Atlas of the Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. Part 2. / Atlas des plantes vasculaires rares de l'Ontario. Partie 2.
Vol: 2
George W. Argus, editor/rédacteur - 1983


Atlas of the Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. Part 3. / Atlas des plantes vasculaires rares de l'Ontario. Partie 3.
Vol: 3
George W. Argus - 1983


Atlas of the Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. Part 4. / Atlas des plantes vasculaires rares de l'Ontario. Partie 4.
Vol: 4
George W. Argus - 1987


Birds of the Twin Islands, James Bay, N.W.T. Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 30
T.H. Manning - 1981


Botanical Studies in the Lake Hazen Region, Northern Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
Series: Publications in Natural Sciences
Vol: 5
James H. Soper - 1985


Canada's Missing Dimension: Science and History in the Canadian Arctic Islands
Vol: 1 & 2
C.R. Harington, editor - 1990


Catalogue of the Pollen and Spore Exchange Collection, National Museum of Natural Sciences
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 16
David M. Jarzen - 1978


Checklist of the Mosses of Ontario
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 5
Robert R. Ireland - 1975


Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Ottawa-Hull Region, Canada / Liste des plantes vasculaires de la région d'Ottawa-Hull, Canada
John M. Gillett - 1978


Climatic Change in Canada 3
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 49
C.R. Harington, editor - 1983


Climatic Change in Canada 4. Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Climatic Change in Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 51
C.R. Harington, editor - 1984


Climatic Change in Canada 5. Critical Periods in the Quaternary Climatic History of Northern North America
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 55
C.R. Harington, editor - 1985


Considérations sur la symbiose fongique chez les ptéridophytes
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 19
B. Boullard - 1979


Distribution, Ecology and Postglacial Dispersal of Certain Crustaceans and Fishes in Eastern North America
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 11
Michael J. Dadswell - 1974


Does Neoteny Occur in Holarctic Lampreys (Petromyzontidae)?
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 57
Vadim D. Vladykov - 1985


Field and Laboratory Studies of Daphnia schødleri Sars from a Winterkill Lake of Alberta
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 9
Chi-hsiang Lei - 1974


Fishes of Afghanistan, An Annotated Check-List
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 14
Brian W. Coad - 1981


Fishes of the Tigris-Euphrates Basin: A Critical Checklist
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 68
Brian W. Coad - 1991


Flora of the North Shore of Lake Superior (Vascular Plants of the Ontario Portion of the Lake Superior Drainage Basin)
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 63
J.H. Soper - 1989


Freshwater Algae of Ellesmere Island, N.W.T.
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 3
Hannah Croasdale - 1973


Geographic Variation in Skin Pigmentation and Dermal Glands in the Northern Leopard Frog, Rana Pipiens
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 16
Frederick W. Schueler - 1982


Geological Lectures by Dr. John Richardson, 1825-26
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 22
J. Warkentin - 1979


Herbarium Rules
Mike Shchepanek


Ice Worms (Oligochaeta: Enchytaeidae) from Western British Columbia
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 6
Michael J. Tynen - 1972


Illustrated Guide to Some Hornworts, Liverworts and Mosses of Eastern Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 62
Robert R. Ireland - 1987


Index Bibliographicus / Index Bibliographicus
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 2
Nishi Sharma - 1983


Index Generum
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 1
Diana R. Laubitz - 1983


K-TecII. Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinctions and Possible Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Causes
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 39
Dale A. Russell, editor - 1982


L’Herbier en règle
Mike Shchepanek


Les noms français des oiseaux d'Amérique du Nord
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 43
Henri Ouellet - 1983


Les oiseaux de l’île Anticosti, province de Québec, Canada
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 1
Henri Ouellet - 1969


Les oiseaux des collines montérégiennes et de la région de Montréal, Québec, Canada
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 5
Henri Ouellet - 1974


Les plantes vasculaires rares du Canada : notre patrimoine naturel
George W. Argus - 1990


Les plantes vasculaires rares du Québec / The Rare Vascular Plants of Quebec
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 48
André Bouchard - 1983


Lichens de la région d'Ottawa, 2ième édition
Irwin M. Brodo - 1990


Lichens of the Ottawa Region, Second Edition
Irwin M. Brodo - 1988


Life-History Parameters of the Red-sided Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in an Extreme Environment, the Interlake Region of Manitoba
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 13
Patrick T. Gregory - 1977


List of the Canadian Marine Fish Species in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada / Liste des espèces de poissons marins du Canada au Musée national des sciences naturelles, Musées nationaux du Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 41
Michèle Bélanger Steigerwald - 1982


Mammals of the Yukon Territory
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 10
Phillip M. Youngman - 1975


Materials for a Flora of Central Yukon Territory
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 4
A.E. Porsild - 1974


Molluscs from Baffin Bay and the Northern North Atlantic Ocean
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 7
Arthur H. Clarke - 1974


On Acroloxus coloradensis (Henderson) (Gastropoda, Basommatophora) in Eastern Canada
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 2
Arthur H. Clarke - 1970


Palynological Research at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, “Today and Tomorrow”
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 10
David M. Jarzen - 1976


Palynology of Dinosaur Provincial Park (Campanian) Alberta
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 38
David M. Jarzen - 1982


Polychaetes Recorded Near Two Pulp Mills on the Coast of Northern British Columbia: A Preliminary Taxonomic and Ecological Account.
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 40
Judith A. Fournier - 1982


Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Copepoda - Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 August 1984
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 58
G. Schriever, editor - 1986


Rare Vascular Plants in Canada: Our Natural Heritage
George W. Argus - 1990


Rare Vascular Plants in the Canadian Arctic
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 72
C. McJannet - 1993


Rare Vascular Plants in the Northwest Territories
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 73
C.L. McJannet - 1995


Rare, Endangered and Extinct Fishes in Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 54
Don E. McAllister - 1985


Reconstructions of the Small Cretaceous Theropod Stenonychosaurus inequalis and a Hypothetical Dinosauroid
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 37
Dale A. Russell - 1982


Revision of the Fish Genera Gymnelus Reinhardt and Gymnelopsis Soldatov (Zoarcidae), with Two New Species and Comparative Osteology of Gymnelus viridis
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 17
M. Eric Anderson - 1982


Science and Technology in Canadian Museums: A Neglected Heritage? Proceedings of a Workshop held March 19 and 20, 1987
H.P. Arai, editor - 1987


Shrimps and Shrimp-like Anomurans (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Southeastern Alaska and Prince William Sound
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 6
H.J. Squires - 1974


Station Lists and New Distributional Records of Littoral Marine Invertebrates of the Canadian Atlantic and New England Regions
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 5
E.L. Bousfield - 1972


Station Lists of Marine Biological Expeditions of the National Museum of Natural Sciences in the North American Pacific Coastal Region, 1966-1980
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 34
E.L. Bousfield - 1981


Studies on Amphipod Crustaceans of the Northeastern Pacific Region. I.
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 10
J.J. Dickenson - 1982


Studies on the Caprellidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) of the American North Pacific
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 1
Diana R. Laubitz - 1970


Summer Birds of the Northwest Angle Provincial Forest and Adjacent Southeastern Manitoba, Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 31
R.S. Ferguson - 1981


Survey of Invertebrate Zoologists in Canada -- 1982 / Répertoire des zoologistes des invertébrés au Canada -- 1982
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 42
Chang-tai Shih - 1983


Synopsis Speciorum. Annefida: Hirudinea / Synopsis Speciorum. Annefida: Hirudinea
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 5
Jacqueline Madill - 1985


Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Branchiopoda / Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Branchiopoda
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 7
R. Chengalath - 1987


Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Euphausiacea et Mysidacea. Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Cumacea / Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Euphausiacea et Mysidacea. Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Cumacea
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 6
Diana R. Laubitz - 1986


Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Isopoda et Tanaidacea / Synopsis Speciorum. Crustacea: Isopoda et Tanaidacea
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 4
F. Rafi - 1985


Synopsis Speciorum. Mollusc: Cephalopoda / Synopsis Speciorum. Mollusc: Cephalopoda
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 8
Stephen J. Stephen - 1988


Synopsis Speciorum. Rotifera / Synopsis Speciorum. Rotifera
Series: Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium
Vol: 3
R. Chengalath - 1984


The Amphipod Superfamily Corophioidea in the Northeastern Pacific Region. 3. Family Isaeidae: Systematics and Distributional Ecology.
Series: Publications in Natural Sciences
Vol: 4
K.E. Conlan - 1983


The Amphipod Superfamily Talitroidea in the Northeastern Pacific Region. I. Family Talitridae: Systematics and Distributional Ecology
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 11
E.L. Bousfield - 1982


The Caprellidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) of Atlantic and Arctic Canada
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 4
Diana R. Laubitz - 1972


The Flora of Canada (Parts 1-4)
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 7
H.J. Scoggan - H.J. Scoggan


The Lake Athabaska Sand Dunes of Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada. I. The Land and Vegetation. Hugh M. Raup and George W. Argus (1982) 96 pages. 59 pp photos 5 maps
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 12
Hugh M. Raup - 1982


The Lichens of Southern Ontario, Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 69
Pak Yau Wong - 1992


The Marine Molluscs of Arctic Canada
Series: Publications in Biological Oceanography
Vol: 3
Elizabeth Macpherson - 1971


The Origin of Maple Sugar
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 36
James F. Pendergast - 1982


The pygmy smelt, Osmerus spectrum Cope, 1870: A forgotten sibling species of eastern North American fish
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 45
Jacqueline Lanteigne - 1983


The Rare Vascular Plants of Alberta / Les plantes vasculaires rares de l’Alberta
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 17
George W. Argus - 1978


The Rare Vascular Plants of British Columbia
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 59
Gerald B. Straley - 1985


The Rare Vascular Plants of New Brunswick / Les plantes vasculaires rares du Nouveau-Brunswick
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 50
Harold R. Hinds - 1983


The Rare Vascular Plants of Nova Scotia / Les plantes vasculaires rares de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 18
Robert V. Maher - 1978


The Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario / Les plantes vasculaires rares de l’Ontario
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 14
George W. Argus - 1977


The Rare Vascular Plants of Prince Edward Island
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 67
Robin Day - 1991


The Rare Vascular Plants of Saskatchewan / Les plantes vasculaires rares de la Saskatchewan
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 20
Robert V. Maher - 1979


The Rare Vascular Plants of the Island of Newfoundland / Les plantes vasculaires rares de l’île de Terre-Neuve
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 65
André Bouchard


The Rare Vascular Plants of the Yukon / Les plantes vasculaires rares du Yukon
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 28
George W. Douglas - 1981


The St. John’s Worts of Canada (Guttiferae)
Series: Publications in Botany
Vol: 11
John M. Gillett - 1981


The Systematics and Distributional Ecology of the Superfamily Ampeliscoidea (Amphipoda: Gammaridea) in the Northeastern Pacific Region. II. The Genera Byblis and Haploops
Series: Publications in Natural Sciences
Vol: 1
John J. Dickinson - 1983


The Vascular Plant Collections of John Macoun in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 21
D.F. Brunton - 1979


The Year Without A Summer? World Climate in 1816
C.R. Harington, editor - 1992


Type Specimens of Bryophytes in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 47
Robert R. Ireland - 1984


Type Specimens of Invertebrates (Mollusca and Arthropoda Excluded) in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 60
P.G. Frank - 1985


Type Specimens of Mammals in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications de zoologie
Vol: 7
Phillip M. Youngman - 1972


Type Specimens of Molluscs in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Canada. National Museums of Canada.
Series: Publications in Zoology / Publications en zoologie
Vol: 15
Muriel F.I. Smith - 1981


Vascular Plants of Continental Northwest Territories, Canada
A.E. Porsild


Vascular Plants of Glacier National Park, British Columbia, Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 24
Erich Haber - 1980


Vascular Plants of Restricted Range in the Continental Northwest Territories, Canada
Series: Syllogeus
Vol: 23
Willam J. Cody - 1979


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About Rocks and Minerals
Planet Pictures - 1992


Collections at Risk
Canadian Museum of Nature - 1995


Collections et risques
Musée canadien de la nature - 1995


How to Press Flowers
Canadian Museum of Nature - 1993


L'art des fleurs pressées
- 1993


Les milieux humides : des berceaux de la vie
Carleton Production - 1995


Les rivières : Reflets de la vie
Musee canadien de la nature - 2000


Rivers: Reflections of Life
Carleton Productions - 2000


Tillenius: The Art of Nature (24 minutes)
Karvonen Films Ltd. - 2004


Tillenius: The Art of Nature (48 minutes)
Karvonen Films Ltd. - 2004


Viola MacMillan: prospector, mine developer, entrepreneur
MTR Productions - 1993


Wetlands: Cradles of Life
Carleton Production - 1995


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