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Industrial Security Manual


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The Government Security Policy prescribes a Personnel Security Clearances for those individuals who may have access to CLASSIFIED information, assets, or sites.

  1. Information

    1. Personnel Security Screening Division (PSSD) is responsible for ensuring that all employees who are so required or who are selected Key Senior Officials (KSO) of Canadian organizations that are being processed for or have been granted a Facility Security Clearance (FSC) by the Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate (CIISD), hold a current Personnel Security Clearance (PSC) to the appropriate level.

    2. Part I of this chapter detailed the procedures to be followed to obtain the necessary Reliability Status, which is required prior to gaining authorized access to PROTECTED information, assets or sites. Part II details the Personnel Security Screening procedures required prior to gaining authorized access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites.

  2. Scope

    The Government of Canada Security Policy (GSP) establishes Personnel Screening Standards to ensure that only persons whose reliability and trustworthiness have been established, are granted access to PROTECTED information, assets or sites. It further guarantees that only those persons whose reliability, trustworthiness and loyalty to Canada has been established are granted access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites. Equally important, the same standards provide a framework and process for carrying out personnel security screening assessments that respect the rights of the individual who has consented to undergo any level of security screening.

  3. Application

    1. Personnel Security Screenings are carried out according to the highest level of information and assets which will be accessed in the normal performance of assigned work duties or contracts and require an assessment of an individual's reliability, trustworthiness and loyalty.

    2. The following chart depicts the levels of PSCs:


    1. The relationship of the above three levels of security clearance to the security classification scheme is as follows:

      Confidential - when compromise could reasonably be expected to cause injury to the national interest.

      Secret - when compromise could reasonably be expected to cause serious injury to the national interest.

      Top Secret - when compromise could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave injury to the national interest.

      The Canadian government no longer uses the classification RESTRICTED. This classification may still be encountered in the form of NATO RESTRICTED or foreign / allied national RESTRICTED information or assets.

  4. It is important to note that no individual is entitled, by virtue of rank or position, to have access to, knowledge of, or custody of CLASSIFIED information and assets. The individual must have the appropriate PSC level and an identified " need - to - know" (Access includes the opportunity to gain knowledge of information by visual or auditory means).
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  1. A Personnel Security Clearance does not in itself confer a right of access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites; however, it does constitute the authority for an organization to allow an employee access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites, up to and including the classification level indicated in the security clearance authorization issued by the PSSD, on a "need-to-know" basis, and subject to any restrictions that may be imposed in contractual or pre-contractual documentation. Access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites is NOT permitted prior to receipt of the necessary PSC.

  2. Personnel Security Screening documentation may only be submitted to PSSD by the Company Security Officer (CSO),or the Alternate Company Security Officer (ACSO).

  3. A non-Canadian citizen, who has been granted a Canadian FSC "with limitations", may have access to CLASSIFIED information and assets which originates from their nation of citizenship, as well as to certain Canadian information and assets. Such individuals require approval by CIISD prior to being given access to third-nation information and assets. These individuals shall not be given access to CLASSIFIED information and assets marked "For Canadian Eyes Only". Any questions concerning access privileges should be referred to the CIISD.

  4. Under normal circumstances, an organization may not request a PSC for an employee at a higher level than the FSC. Certain exceptions are permitted for NATO levels of clearance. The responsible Field Industrial Security Officer (FISO) should be consulted for specific guidance.

  5. Organizations have the sole jurisdiction and responsibility for the engagement and termination of an employee. They are also responsible for determining and justifying an employee's need for access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites.

  6. An organization may only submit personnel security screening documentation on behalf of individuals who have commenced employment with that organization, or are under contract to commence work within 60 days.

  7. It is important to note that a NATO clearance of COSMIC TOP SECRET and a Canadian clearance of TOP SECRET are valid for a five year period only. NATO SECRET, NATO CONFIDENTIAL and Canadian SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL are valid for a ten year period from the date of issue unless rescinded for cause, and will terminate when:

    1. the individual leaves the employ of the organization on whose behalf the security clearance was granted;

    2. the individual is transferred to another position where access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites is not required; or

    3. the organization's Facility Security Clearance lapses or is cancelled.

  8. The CSO/ACSO is responsible for initiating the renewal and termination of PSCs.

    1. An individual must be the age of majority in order to be processed for a Personnel Security Clearance, or the signature of a parent or guardian must be provided. Some provinces have different age of majority requirements). Refer to instructions attached to the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB).

    2. The Criminal Code, Section 748 (3) states that no person convicted of an offence under Section 121 (frauds on the Government), Section 124 (selling or purchasing office), or Section 418 (selling defective stores to Her Majesty), has, after that conviction, the capacity to contract with Her Majesty or to receive any benefits under a contract between Her Majesty and any other person or to hold office under Her Majesty unless a pardon has been granted. (This effectively prohibits granting of a PSC to any such individual).
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  1. When an individual is being considered for employment in areas where access to CLASSIFIED information, assets or sites will be required, the CSO/ACSO shall determine first the reliability and trustworthiness of that individual. Detailed instructions follow.

  2. In addition, the CSO/ACSO shall ensure that the employee can provide sufficient information to permit government authorities to conduct a background enquiry covering the last ten years. Enquiries can only be conducted in countries that have bilateral/reciprocal agreements with Canadian investigative authorities.

  3. In cases where the ten year requirement cannot be met, or an individual is not a Canadian citizen, or the individual has resided outside of Canada for more than a year, during the preceding ten years, guidance should be sought from the PSSD, prior to the submission of screening documentation. This is particularly applicable to nationals of those countries from which reliable background information cannot be obtained.

  4. After favorable findings, a request for a Personnel Security Clearance may be submitted to the PSSD.

  5. The CSO/ACSO is directly responsible to verify the identity of an applicant by using two or more of the following official documents listed below. The CSO/ACSO shall undertake the verification either themselves, or they shall be responsible to ensure that an approved employee of the organization has conducted such verification and has obtained copies of the documentation to confirm the background/identity of the applicant:

    1. Current passport;

    2. Birth certificate;

    3. Baptismal certificate;

    4. Citizenship certificate or Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing document;

    5. Canadian work permit/visa;

    6. Valid driver's licence that has been issued in Canada which includes a laminated photograph; or

    7. Provincial Health Card

  6. When the CSO/ACSO are submitting a security screening request on behalf of themselves, copies of two or more of the above noted official documentation, which confirms identity, must be submitted to PSSD, attached to the application for the Security Clearance.

  7. Guidelines/Instructions:

    The subject of the security screening must be properly identified through a preliminary verification as follows:

    1. Surname (maiden name) and given name(s);

    2. Date of Birth - An applicant's date of birth may be verified using one or more of the above documents in section 252.5 of this chapter);

    3. Addresses - The applicant's address(es) for the last ten years must be obtained. The current address only shall be included on the Instructions attached to the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB). The address on this form must include apartment number, street number, street name (civic number, if appropriate), city, province and/or state, postal code, country and the "from-to" dates. The must include the full ten years of detailed addresses;

    4. Education/Professional Qualifications - These may be verified by official transcripts, diplomas, certificates from educational/professional institutions and/or originals of professional certification from municipal/provincial/federal licensing bodies, associations or institutions;

    5. Employment History - This may be verified by contacting previous employers to ascertain dates of employment, performance and reason for leaving employment; and

    6. Personal Character/Employment References - These may be verified by contacting references provided by the applicant.

      Only after a thorough preliminary verification has been completed, documented and retained by the CSO/ACSO (subject to audit by CIISD staff), may a request for a Security Clearance be submitted to PSSD.
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  1. The following forms shall be completed and processed prior to the issuance of a PSC. For ease of processing, all forms with the exception of the Fingerprint Form (RCMP/GRC C-216C) shall be completed and submitted electronically. If this system is unavailable, however, all forms shall be typed or printed, in block letters, using black ink. If any form is illegible, it will be returned to the sender.

  2. In those organizations which are using an electronic process, the applicant's hardcopy documentation bearing original signatures shall be forwarded to the PSSD on the same day as the electronic submission.

    The forms are:

    Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB);

    Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 214 KB);

    Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form, TBS/SCT 330-47 (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 33 KB) and;

    Fingerprint Form, RCMP-GRC C-216C (If required or requested).

    Instructions contained in this portion of the manual, supplement the generic instructions which are attached to each of the forms.

  3. Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (2002/07)

    Form Completion Details:
    The Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/04) (PDF 85 KB) is divided into five sections (A - E)


    1. Reference number - For use by PSSD; and

    2. Department/Organization number and File number


      The CSO/ACSO shall complete the following. Fill in all boxes, with the exception of the following:

      1. Upgrade - DO NOT USE this box when an applicant who previously has been granted a Reliability Status, requires a security clearance. Mark an "X" in the New box;

      2. Other - This box should be filled in only when a NATO or SIGINT caveat screening is required (NATO and SIGINT require a security clearance level to be identified in the appropriate box, as well);

      3. Indeterminate, Term, Contract, Other - These boxes do not apply to requests submitted by private sector organizations. Place an "X" in the Industry box only;

      4. Position/Competition/Contract number - Enter the Contract number to which the applicant will be assigned;

      5. Title - Enter the name/title of the contract;

      6. Group/Level - Leave blank. This does not apply to private sector organizations;

      7. Name and address of department / organization / agency - Enter the details of the organization which is submitting the Reliability Screening request; and

      8. Name of Official - Enter the name of the Official in the organization for whom the applicant will be working. The CSO/ACSO's name should NOT appear in this box unless the applicant will be working for them.


      The applicant shall complete the following

      1. Surname (last name);

      2. Full given names (no initials) underline or circle usual name used;

      3. Family name at birth (if different from current surname);

      4. All other names used (i.e. Nickname);

      5. Sex, Date of birth and Country of birth;

      6. Date of entry into Canada if born outside Canada;

        Refer to "Instructions" attached to the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB) for information about additional documentation required if born outside Canada.

      7. Daytime telephone number and E-mail address;

      8. Home address # 1 - Fill in all information boxes in # 1.

        Civic numbers (if applicable) - Applicants living in rural areas must include civic-number or lot, concession number and township.

      9. Home address # 2, 3, 4 etc. - Complete current address ONLY. All other addresses for ten years of history are to be filled in on the Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 214 KB);

        There must be no gaps between the months or years for each of the addresses. Attach additional sheets of paper to the hardcopy submission, as appropriate.

      10. Have you previously completed a Government of Canada security screening form?- If Yes, provide the following:

        1. Name of the private sector organization or the name of the government department or agency which initiated the request;

        2. Level of screening that was requested; and

        3. Year when the request was initiated.

      11. Criminal Convictions In and Outside of Canada.

        Refer to Instructions attached to Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB) for additional information.

        1. An applicant with one or more criminal convictions and without a pardon must complete all the boxes in this section. Attach additional sheets of paper in order to cover all convictions;

        2. Failure by the applicant to declare fully all criminal convictions will delay the Reliability Screening process and may result in the requested screening being denied. These include convictions handed down when the applicant was a Young Offender;

        3. Applicants declaring criminal convictions shall provide ONE completed fingerprint form (RCMP/GRC C-216C). Photocopies of fingerprint impressions or of the fingerprint form itself will not be accepted;

        4. The form is available from the following location;
          RCMP Logistics Section
          P.O Box 8885
          Ottawa, Ontario
          K1G 3M8

        5. If the applicant declaring a criminal conviction has resided outside of Canada, the CSO/ACSO should contact PSSD for instructions on what additional documentation may be required;

        6. Fingerprints may only be taken by a qualified CSO/ACSO, police authority or an accredited agency;

        7. Fingerprints must be submitted in black (if using the new inkless pad, ensure to complete the entire process before submitting). Prints are to be submitted in the pre-designated areas only and not on the back of the form; and

        8. Should an applicant have been Reliability or Security Screened before, the CSO/ACSO should contact PSSD to ascertain if the previously provided fingerprint form is available, or if new forms are required to be submitted.

          A pardon must be applied for and received in writing from the National Parole Board. A pardon is not granted without a written application.


      The CSO/ACSO, the applicant and authorized organizational and departmental officials are all required to complete certain portions of this section, as follows.

      Refer to "Instructions" attached to the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB) for information concerning Consent and Age of majority.

      1. Line 1 - Date of birth, address, education, professional qualifications, employment history, personal character references.

        1. CSO/ACSO shall mark an "X" in the box located directly after the # 1;

        2. Applicant shall initial in the Applicant's initials box; and

        3. Organization's authorized official, who may not be the CSO/ACSO, but who conduct such background verifications (refer to section 252.1 and 2 of this chapter), shall print their name, provide their initials and their telephone number in the three appropriate boxes on line # 1. Copies of the applicant's supporting documentation shall be obtained and retained by the organization, subject to audit by CIISD officials.

          Such enquiries are the responsibility of and shall be conducted by the organization which is hiring the applicant.

      2. Line 2 - Criminal record check . Complete as follows:

        1. The CSO/ACSO shall mark an "X" in the box located directly after the # 2; and

        2. Applicant shall initial in the Applicant's initials box.

          CSO/ACSO shall explain to the applicant that Criminal Records checks are conducted by PSSD on each applicant. Should the applicant indicate a past criminal conviction which no written pardon has been applied for and received, or should the name check reveal the need for further identification of the applicant, or should the applicant be applying for a TOP SECRET or COSMIC TOP SECRET level clearance, or should the applicant have resided outside of Canada during a portion of the last ten years, a fingerprint form is required for each country of residence, including Canada.

      3. Line 3 - Credit check (financial assessment, including credit records check) . Unless authorized by the employee, Section 3C is only to be completed after PSSD has determined that a credit check is a necessary element of the reliability check process. When a credit check has been deemed necessary:

        1. The CSO/ACSO shall mark an "X" in the box located directly after the # 3; and

        2. Applicant shall initial in the Applicant's initials box.

          The applicant shall be informed that Credit Checks are conducted by PSSD for the following reasons.

        3. A criminal record has been confirmed; or

        4. The Contract or Client agency has identified this requirement; or

        5. a TOP SECRET or COSMIC TOP SECRET security clearance has been requested; or

        6. For cause.

      4. Line 4 - Loyalty. Complete as follows:

        1. CSO/ACSO shall mark an "X" in the box located directly after the # 4; and

        2. Applicant shall initial in the Applicant's initials box.

      5. Line 5 - Other (specify, see instructions) Complete as follows:

        1. CSO/ACSO shall mark an "X" in the box located directly after the # 5;

        2. Applicant shall initial in the Applicant's initials box and sign the back of the photograph. Refer to instructions attached to the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB).

          Section E (Approval) - Photographs: Photographs are required for new and upgrade Level III (TOP SECRET/COSMIC TOP SECRET) "security clearances" and when so requested by PSSD; and

        3. The CSO/ACSO or other authorized industry representative, as well as the applicant, shall sign the back of the photograph and print their name. The applicant must also read, sign and date the Privacy Act Statement at the bottom of Section C and forward the document to the CSO/ACSO.

          Should the applicant decline to initial the Applicant's initials boxes on lines 1, 2 and 3, and/or refuse to sign the disclosure consent statement, the Reliability Screening application Must NOT be submitted to PSSD.

    4. PREVIEW

      CSO/ACSO shall complete and initial this section, only after:

      1. reconfirming that sections A, B and C as well as the applicant's initials and signature have been completed properly and that information provided on the form is correct to the best of their (the official's) knowledge; and

      2. background verification enquiries required in section C, line # 1 have been conducted in a thorough manner, either by themselves or by an authorized official of the organization. All necessary supporting documentation has been obtained and copies are attached to the applicant's file at the organization. Such supporting documentation may be requested by PSSD at any time, as well as be subject to an audit by CIISD officials.


      This section of the form is for the use of PSSD officials only.

      Refer to Instructions attached to this form. Consider the following:

      1. Authorized Departmental/ Agency/Organization Security Official
        "Private sector organizations do not have the authority to approve any level of security screening"; and

      2. Photographs - Refer to Instructions attached to the form TBS 330-23E(Rev.2002/07) and to the Note for Line 5, above.

  4. Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02)

    Note the following:

    1. Before permitting the applicant to start completing the Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 214 KB), the CSO/ACSO should advise the applicant that failure to include all required information, or to complete the form in an accurate or legible manner will result in the documentation being returned, thereby delaying the screening process;

    2. The CSO/ACSO should explain to the applicant as well, the consequences of attempting to conceal any information which might have a bearing on the degree of confidence that could be placed in them by the Government; and

    3. The CSO/ACSO should provide a copy of the completed Security Clearance Form to the applicant for future reference.

      Form Completion Details

      1. The form is divided into seventeen sections;

      2. Requests at the levels of CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET including NATO shall have completed the following twelve sections (A to J inclusive and P); and

      3. Requests at the level of TOP SECRET or COSMIC TOP SECRET shall complete all sections.




      The CSO/ACSO shall complete all boxes, with the exception of:

      1. Reference number and Department number - for use by CIISD;

      2. File number - Enter, if known, the applicant's file number assigned by CIISD;

      3. Upgrade - DO NOT USE this box when an applicant who previously has been granted a Reliability Status, requires a security clearance. Mark an "X" in the New box;

      4. Other - This box should be filled in only when a NATO or SIGINT Caveat screening is required. NATO and SIGINT require a security clearance level to be identified in the appropriate box, as well;

      5. Department/Agency/Organization and Organization number - Enter the name of the private sector organization and, if known, the CIISD issued organization number in the applicable boxes; and

      6. Employee ID number/PRI/Rank and Service number (if applicable)
        This box does not apply to requests submitted by private sector organizations;


      The applicant shall complete and note the following:

      1. Boxes 1 - 6 - Should contain identical information as the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB)

      2. Box 7 - Applicants born outside Canada will be required to complete Section G and provide additional information and copies of supporting documentation; and

      3. Boxes 8 / 9 - Provide information, if applicable. If not, enter "N/A" in first box 8.


      The applicant shall complete.


      The applicant shall complete. Refer to Instructions attached to this form.

    5. IMMEDIATE RELATIVES (including those living outside Canada) (see instructions)

      The applicant shall complete.

      Refer to Instructions attached to the form for additional help.

    6. Criminal convictions in and outside of Canada:

      1. An applicant with one or more criminal convictions, for which a pardon has not been granted, must complete all the boxes in this section. Attach additional sheets of paper in order to cover all convictions;

      2. Failure by the applicant to declare fully all criminal convictions will delay the Reliability Screening portion of the security screening process and may result in the requested clearance being denied. These include convictions handed down when the applicant was a Young Offender;

      3. Applicants declaring criminal convictions shall provide One completed Fingerprint Form (RCMP/GRC C-216C). Photocopies of fingerprint impressions or of the fingerprint form itself will not be accepted;

      4. The form is available from the following location:
        RCMP Logistics Section
        P.O. Box 8885
        Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3M8

      5. If the applicant declaring a criminal conviction has resided outside of Canada, the CSO/ACSO should contact PSSD for instructions on what additional documentation may be required;

      6. Only a qualified CSO/ACSO, police authority or an accredited agency may take fingerprints;

      7. Fingerprints must be submitted in black (if using the new inkless pad, ensure to complete the entire process before submitting). Prints are to be submitted in the pre-designated areas only and not on the back of the form; and

      8. Should an applicant have been Reliability or Security Screened before, the CSO/ACSO should contact PSSD to ascertain if the previously provided fingerprint form is available, or if new forms will require to be submitted.

        A pardon must be applied for and received in writing from the National Parole Board. A pardon is not granted without a written application.


      The applicant shall complete, if applicable, and provide legible photocopies of required documentation. Refer to Instructions attached to this form.

    8. RESIDENCE (there should be no gaps in time frames)

      The applicant shall complete. Ten years of resident history must be provided. Refer to "Instructions" attached to this form.

    9. EMPLOYMENT (last 10 years) (see instructions for self-employed and consultants) (there should be no gaps).

      The applicant shall complete. Job-site address is the address where the applicant's work is performed and may be different from the applicant's employer's address, or the applicant's own address, if self-employed.


      The applicant shall complete. This question is not restricted only to the past 10 years.

      SECTIONS "K" to "O" MUST BE COMPLETED FOR TOP SECRET and COSMIC TOP SECRET. Otherwise, applicants should proceed to Section P.

    11. TRAVEL

      The applicant shall complete.

      Travel record is for stays of less than six months; if more than this length of time, the information shall be recorded as residence in section "H". Refer to "Instructions" attached to this form.


      The applicant shall complete. This question is not restricted only to the past 10 years.


      The applicant shall complete. If the applicant has arrived in Canada only within the last five years, the CSO/ACSO should contact PSSD to be advised how the applicant should respond to this question. Refer to "Instructions" attached to this form.


      The applicant shall complete.


      The applicant shall complete. Refer to Instructions attached to this form. Provide information, if applicable. If not, enter "N/A" in box 1.


      ALL applicants shall complete.


      Refer to the "Instructions" attached to the form.

      Change of Marital Status:

      When an applicant who has been processed previously for a Security Clearance and has a change of circumstances, such as marriage, remarriage or commences a common-law partnership, submission is mandatory of sections of this form.

      Applicants who marry or commence a common-law partnership with a Non-Canadian National or Landed Immigrant who has not yet arrived in Canada, must complete additional sections of this form.


      Refer to the "Instructions" attached to this form.

      Note the following:

      1. Requests at the levels of CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET (including NATO) shall be completed every ten years, unless required sooner for cause;

      2. Requests at the level of TOP SECRET or COSMIC TOP SECRET shall be completed every five years, unless required sooner for cause; and

      3. A Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB) shall be completed and accompany the Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 214 KB) when the Cyclical Update process is required.
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  1. Occasionally, cases arise where specific information is required, which is not provided for on the Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 214 KB) or in the Instructions attached to this form. When this occurs, PSSD will request the required information by letter or e-mail. This may occur in cases where nationals of countries using other alphabets, such as Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese or Korean, require additional information or the completion of special forms.

    An applicant of Chinese ethnic origin shall use the Chinese characters appropriate to their origin, directly on the form. When the person concerned is unable to write such characters, a letter of explanation shall be attached to the form.


    Note the following:

    1. Canadian nationals for whom a NATO clearance is requested will concurrently be granted a Canadian national clearance without further application;

    2. In the case of non-Canadians, a NATO clearance does NOT include a right of access to Canadian CLASSIFIED information and assets; such access shall be applied for separately. The CSO/ACSO shall indicate both requirements, if applicable, on the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB);

    3. A NATO Security Clearance for a national of another NATO member nation may only be granted by that nation, regardless of the length of time that the person has resided in Canada. Such clearance, when used in support of a Visit Clearance Request (VCR) to a member nation outside Canada, other than the individual's own nation, is contingent upon the disclosure discretion of the member nation to be visited; and

    4. The following countries are members of the NATO alliance:

      Czech Republic
      United Kingdom
      United States
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The Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form, TBS/SCT 330-47 (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 33 KB) is required to be completed and forwarded to PSSD in order to accomplish two different purposes:


    After a Security Clearance has been granted by PSSD, the CSO/ACSO shall provide a comprehensive briefing to the employee concerning their future security responsibilities and obtain, in writing, the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the employee to comply with all the necessary requirements.

    Form Completion Details:
    The form is divided into four parts (A - D)


    1. Reference number - For use of PSSD;

    2. Departmental/Organization Number and File number - Enter, if known, the organization's number and the applicant's file number assigned by CIISD


      The CSO/ACSO shall complete the following:

      1. Complete the information boxes located on the first three lines of Part A, with the exception of:

        1. Unit/Branch - does not require to be filled in by private sector organizations; and

        2. Termination - refer to instructions in section 255. 2. A. b. ii. of this chapter.


        Under this heading, for the next three lines, leave all information boxes blank.

        This portion of the form is for use by PSSD. Only a government security official may authorize and grant a Security Clearance to an individual.


      This summary is to be read by the employee. The CSO/ACSO is to answer any questions which may be raised by the employee and contact PSSD to obtain answers to other questions beyond the CSO/ACSO's knowledge.


      The employee is to sign and date the form in the presence of the CSO/ACSO.

      Due to difficulty in many instances arranging for an employee to sign a Security Clearance termination, the CSO/ACSO shall remind each new employee and each employee, who has undergone the updating process, that a Security Clearance is terminated once an employee ceases to be employed by the organization or when an employee's work no longer requires a Security Clearance.


      The CSO/ACSO is to sign and date the form. The form with the original signatures is to be forwarded to PSSD. A second copy of this form is to be placed on the security file of the employee and a third copy given to the employee.


    If an applicant terminates employment prior to receipt of a Security Clearance, or an employee granted a Security Clearance terminates employment with the organization, the CSO/ACSO shall complete and submit this form.

    Form Completion Details:
    The form is divided into four parts (A - D)


    1. Reference number - For use of PSSD;

    2. Departmental/Organization Number and File number - Enter, if known, the organization's number and the applicant's file number assigned by CIISD;

      The CSO/ACSO shall complete the following:

      1. Complete the information boxes located on the first three lines of Part A , with the exception of:

        1. Unit/Branch - does not require to be filled in by private sector organizations; and

        2. Initial briefing or reactivation and change in security requirement. Neither of these boxes are applicable when submitting a termination notice. Mark an "X" in the Termination box.


        Complete as follows:

        1. Under this heading, circle the level of Security Clearance only if the employee has been previously granted this level, or

        2. If the Security Screening process was incomplete, for the next three lines, leave all information boxes blank.


      The employee should re-read and be reminded of the security conditions which remain in effect even after their Security Clearance has been terminated.


      Every attempt should be made to contact the employee and have them re-read, sign and date the termination ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.

      Where efforts to contact the employee by registered mail, or otherwise, are not possible or unsuccessful, the CSO/ACSO shall complete the form to the extent practicable, sign it and forward it to PSSD with and explanatory letter or notation. Every effort, however, must be made to have the form signed by the employee.


      The CSO/ACSO is to sign and date the form. A copy of the form should be given to the employee. The form, with original signatures, is to be forwarded to PSSD. A final copy of this form is to be placed on the employee's security file to close out the records.
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A Security Clearance of an individual may be transferred between organizations, providing the following criteria have been met:

  1. The security Clearance was not terminated more than two years ago;

  2. The Security Clearance is not due for updating; and

  3. The individual has stated that there have been no changes in their personal history regarding criminal convictions, marital status or cohabitation.

    The Forms Required are:

    Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB) and

    Fingerprint Form, RCMP/GRC C-216C (if required or requested).

    The form is to be completed as per a new request (refer to section 253.3 of this chapter), but with the following differences:

    1. Section A. Place an "X" in the Transfer box;

    2. Section B. Ensure to provide all the required details on the line "Have you previously completed a Government of Canada security screening form"? ; and

    3. Section C. Leave all boxes blank on lines 1 through 5. The individual, however, must sign and date the form in order to confirm the personal details in Section B, above.

      When a Security clearance is to be transferred to PWGSC from the Department of National Defence as a result of a request from an organization, and the level of the clearance requires fingerprints (e.g. COSMIC (NATO) TOP SECRET or TOP SECRET), a new set of fingerprints must be provided to PSSD at the same time as the transfer request is submitted; the reason being that DND does not transfer fingerprint records.
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If it is not possible to obtain background information to cover the last ten years, or if significant adverse information arises during the process of a Security Clearance, the applicant will be notified by the CSO/ACSO, (unless the information is exempt from disclosure under the Privacy Act) and given the opportunity to explain the circumstances. If the Deputy Minister, Public Works Government Services Canada (PWGSC), after reviewing the security assessment, denies the granting of a PSC, the applicant concerned shall be so notified in writing, by PSSD, along with information relating to their right of appeal. The PSSD shall also inform the President/Chief Executive Officer of the individual's organization of the Deputy Minister's decision.

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  1. Safeguarding and Disposal

    1. Because of the sensitivity, security-screening documentation containing personal information shall not be retained in the organization's personnel files, but rather in a separate security file and safeguarded appropriately.

    2. The CSO/ACSO shall maintain a current listing of all employees who have been granted a security clearance for tracking and updating purposes.

    3. In accordance with Access to Information guidelines issued by the Treasury Board Secretariat, Security Clearances under ATI Bank PSC 909, shall be destroyed two years after an employee leaves the institution for which the Security Clearance was conducted.

  2. Submission of Personnel Security Screening Forms (Manual process)

    The process is as follows:

    1. One copy of Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form, TBS/SCT 330-23E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 85 KB) is required, either to initiate the process of a Security Clearance, or to advise of a "change of marital status" (Refer to the Supplemental Information portion in section 253.4 of this chapter);

    2. One copy of Security Clearance Form, TBS/SCT 330-60E (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 214 KB) is required for requests at the Classified level (CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, TOP SECRET, or COSMIC TOP SECRET);

    3. One original Fingerprint Form, RCMP/GRC C-216C (submit as required, as requested only). Requests at the level of TOP SECRET / COSMIC TOP SECRET require fingerprints;

    4. One copy of Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form, TBS/SCT 330-47 (Rev. 2006/02) (PDF 33 KB) is required both when a Security Clearance is granted by PSSD, and subsequently at the time of termination; and

      With the exception of the Fingerprint Forms, photocopies of the above-mentioned forms with original signatures may be used as required. Clear, legible facsimiles are acceptable.

    5. Unless otherwise advised by a CIISD Security Official, forms are to be sent in a sealed envelope, addressed to:

      Canadian & International Industrial Security Directorate (CIISD)
      Public Works and Government Services Canada
      Personnel Screening Division
      c/o Central Mail Room
      Place du Portage, Phase III, 0B3
      11 Laurier Street, Gatineau  QC
      2745 Iris Street, 2nd Floor
      Ottawa  ON  K1A 0S5

      Mail and private courier are not accepted at 2745 Iris Street. All correspondence should be sent to the above address.
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Change of Circumstances Report:

An employer/employee who becomes aware, or has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that circumstances, which prevailed when the individual was granted a PSC, have changed and could adversely affect that person's reliability, trustworthiness or loyalty, or who for any reason doubts the reliability, trustworthiness or loyalty of a person:

  1. Shall forward a complete report of the change of circumstances through their manager to the CSO/ACSO, who shall forward it on to PSSD; and

  2. May deny that individual access to PROTECTED information and assets until the situation is resolved.

Top of Page Chapter 3