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 Services and Fees

 Inspection Services


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Inspection Services

Subject to Inspector's Grade and Dockage

It means that the grain producer or the person delivering the grain has the right to ask for a binding decision from the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) if the grain producer or the person delivering the grain disagrees with the grade and dockage received at a licensed primary elevator. The grain producer is paid according to the CGC's decision.

The service

How the service works

The elevator operator takes a sample from each load of grain delivered. A representative subsample is taken from the sample. The grain producer or the person delivering the grain and the elevator operator must agree that the subsample is representative. A portion of it is sent along with a completed form, Request for Grain Inspection Certification, to a CGC service centre, according to these rules:

A CGC inspector examines the portion, determines the grade and dockage, and sends the results on an Unofficial Sample Submitted certificate to each person named in the request.

How much does this service cost?

Fees for determining grade and dockage
Service Fee1 (not including GST)
Examination by CGC grain inspector  
Wheat $24.10
Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS)  
Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD)  
Canada Western Hard White (CWHW)  
Canada Western Red Winter (CWRW)  
Canada Western Extra Strong (CWES)  
Canada Western Soft White Spring (CWSWS)  
Wheat $15.10
Canada Prairie Spring White (CPSW)  
Canada Prairie Spring Red (CPSR)  
Oilseeds $24.40
Canola, rapeseed, mustard seed, safflower seed, sunflower seed  
Oilseeds $21.70
Flaxseed, solin, soybeans  
Corn $15.10
Other types of grain $21.70
Chick peas  
Mixed grain  
Re-examination by Chief Grain Inspector  
All types of grain $15.00 (Fee applied only if results are unchanged)
1According to Canada Grain Regulations, Schedule 1


The CGC sends an invoice to the elevator at the end of the month. The producer or the licensed primary elevator pays for the service.

Appealing the CGC's decision

Any person who has an interest in the grain and who disagrees with the CGC's decision can, within 15 days of the date on the certificate, ask the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada to re-examine the representative portion.

The Chief Grain Inspector's decision is final and binding.

The CGC sends each person named in the request a record of the decision, along with a revised certificate if the grading results are changed.

The elevator operator exchanges the interim primary elevator receipt for the appropriate primary elevator receipt or cash purchase ticket showing the grade and dockage assigned to the representative portion.


Telephone: 1-800-853-6705

Last updated: 2006-09-14