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Memorandum No. 2000-05
To: All Licensees in Canada

August 15, 2000

Storage of Grain on the Ground

The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) has completed its review of the issue of storage of grain on the ground. Paragraph 16(a) of the Canada Grain Regulations requires that the operator of an elevator store all grain received in an elevator building. This includes facilities defined as an elevator by the Canada Grain Act, that are licensed as grain dealers, such as some seed cleaning plants.

Consultations with industry revealed a general consensus in favor of storage of grain on the ground. Therefore, the CGC will, in most circumstances, exempt a facility from the regulation prohibiting storage of grain on the ground if a written request for an exemption is submitted to the CGC, advising the kind of grain to be stored on the ground and the date grain to be stored on the ground is to be received.

Upon delivery, an elevator receipt, grain receipt, or cash purchase ticket must be issued, and the elevator has the same responsibility for the grain as it has for grain stored in the elevator building.

Once all grain that has been stored on the ground is shipped, the elevator is to advise the CGC in writing. A new exemption is required for any grain subsequently stored on the ground.

The CGC will monitor shipments from exempted facilities for quality problems. Failure to request an exemption for grain stored on the ground may result in license suspension. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Chief Grain Inspector for Canada at Phone: (204) 983-2780.

Note: The Canadian Wheat Board has informed us that they will not accept grain that has been stored on the ground.

Requests for exemptions, and follow-up information regarding shipping of grain are to be sent to Valerie Gilroy, Legal Counsel and Corporate Secretary, at:

Executive Division
600 - 303 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3G8
Tel: 204 983-2733
Fax: 204 983-2751

For more information available on this site

Discussion paper. Grain on the ground, June 30, 2000.

News Release. New Canadian Grain Commission policy for storage of grain on the ground, August 3, 2000

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Last updated: 2005-06-21