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A New Era in Grain Quality Assurance






A New Era in Grain Quality Assurance


Conference presentations are available from the CGC Library on request.

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Telephone: (204) 983-0878

Dr. Geoffrey Annison, Responses to customer quality requirements

Dr. Robert Cooke, Approaches to variety identification technology in Europe

Germain Denis, World Grain Markets: a View on Grain Quality Issues

Dr. Ron DePauw, Kernel visual distinguishability and quality assurance: wheat breeder's perspective

Dr. Kevin Gale, Simple DNA-based cultivar identification in wheat

Chris Hamblin, Canada's response to grain quality market demands

Curtis Johnson, Grain quality: the consumer perspective

Peter W. Jones, Evolution of grain quality from the processor perspective as it relates to the UK

Dr. George L. Lookhart, Wheat varietal identification and wheat quality in the US

Owen McAuley, Rural economy perspective

Dr. Murray McLaughlin, Agriculture: an uncertain future. Is there one?

Koji Murakami, Evolution of grain quality from the importer's perspective

Dr. Mariano Otamendi, Classification of Argentine wheat

Len Penner, Impact of variety identification technology: grain handler's perspective

Dr. Daniel Perry, Grain variety identification at the CGC

Dr. Bill Scowcroft, Relationship between grain quality and variety

David Shipman, US export grain community's response to quality requirements

Ward Weisensel, Potential impacts of variety identification technology

Dr. Bill Wilson, Strategies to meet functional requirements in hard wheat: grain, location, variety or functional tests

Last updated: 2005-08-08