Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988

October 02, 2006


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Producers, Not Politicians Should Decide Fate of CWB: Minister

TOKYO, Japan—Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk met with Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) officials here today and said the meeting underscored the importance of the role the CWB plays in marketing and branding Canadian wheat internationally.

“Not only is Japan the largest international purchaser of Canadian wheat, but the Japanese are also very quality-conscious consumers,” said Wowchuk. “Because of the consistent branding provided by the CWB, Canadian wheat is a very desirable, highly-regarded product here.

“Meeting with the CWB here and speaking with Japanese companies and officials has underscored for me what we are at risk of losing if the CWB single desk is eliminated.”

Japan is a significant purchaser of Canadian wheat, durum and malting barley. The CWB has had an office in Tokyo since 1961, with the responsibility of marketing and promoting Canadian wheat and barley in Japan and South Korea in the best interests of Canadian producers.

Wowchuk said that in addition to the loss of the international marketing and branding the CWB provides for Canadian grain, the elimination of the single desk could also have consequences for western Canadian rail lines, the port of Churchill and international trade.

“It is clear that any changes to the CWB’s single desk could have a tremendous impact on Manitoba farmers and communities,” the minister said. “Farmers and governments must work together to ensure the true facts are available about the possible impact of the loss of the single desk. Ultimately, it must be up to producers to decide the future of the board.”

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