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Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprise Program (EDGE)

The EDGE program offers a 10 year tax holiday to qualifying companies from provincial corporate income tax and payroll tax, followed by a five year phase-in of these taxes. A 10 year tax holiday from property taxes and/or business tax is also offered by municipalities declaring themselves as EDGE participants. The program also offers the lease of unserviced crown land for a nominal fee and the services of a dedicated government facilitator to new or expanding businesses. To be designated as an EDGE corporation, the applicant must show the potential for a minimum capital investment of $300,000, or incremental sales of $500,000 annually. The applicant must have the potential to create and maintain at least 10 permanent jobs in a business consistent with the principle of sustainable development. 

Effective January 1, 2002, companies receiving EDGE status may be eligible for an enhanced tax holiday.  The new legislation will enhance EDGE benefits for rural areas by increasing the tax holiday period for businesses that establish or expand outside the North East Avalon area from 10 years to 15 years.  The program  also includes a new 50% rebate on federal corporate income tax for EDGE designated companies.  This rebate along with the existing 100% rebate on provincial corporate income tax will give the program its "double edge".  The enhanced EDGE incentives will apply only to newly designated EDGE corporations that make application after January 1, 2002. 

  Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development

To find out more about getting the EDGE or Double EDGE please contact:

Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, Newfoundland
A1B 4J6
Telephone: (709) 729-5066

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