Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Indians, Indian bands, and band-empowered entities

Special rules apply to Indians, Indian bands, and band-empowered entities concerning the payment of GST/HST for the purchase of goods and services.

Be informed about GST/HST issues. Subscribe to our Excise and GST/HST News, and we will send you this quarterly newsletter by email. Search topics alphabetically:
How GST/HST works
Basic information on how GST/HST works
What we mean by taxable,
zero-rated or exempt supplies
Goods bought by Indians, Indian bands, and band-empowered entities
GST/HST and the sale of goods to Indians, Indian bands, and band-empowered entities
Services bought by Indians, Indian bands, and band-empowered entities
How the GST/HST is applied to the sale of services to Indian bands and band-empowered entities
Goods imported by Indians
How the GST/HST is applied to the sale of goods to Indian bands and band-empowered entities
Businesses owned by Indians, Indian bands, or band-empowered entities
GST/HST information for business owned by Indians, Indian band, and band-empowered entities operating on a reserve.
Remote Stores
GST/HST and the sale of goods to Indians, Indian bands, and band-empowered entities by remote stores
What we consider valid documentation (Indian Status card) to allow the purchase of goods and services without paying the GST/HST.
First Nations Goods and Services Tax (FNGST)
Find out about the FNGST
First Nations Tax (FNT)
Find out about the FNT
New Housing Rebate for buying or building a home
If you buy, build, or substantially renovate a home, you may qualify for the GST/HST new housing rebate and more.
GST/HST Rebates
You may qualify for certain types of GST/HST rebates.
The GST credit and other family benefit programs
Information on the tax-free payments given to individuals and families including the GST/HST credit, the Canada child tax benefit (CCTB), and more.
More information for Status Indians
Revenu Québec Web site Definitions Forms and publications Technical information


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