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Sophisticated Infrastructure

A dynamic, educated and connected Canada
Today, Canada ranked third in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s global business rankings for the forecast period (2006-10), down slightly from first place from the historical period (2000-2004).

Ease in Establishing a Business

Canada is top-ranked country among the G7 nations, for both the number of procedures (2) and duration of completion (3) of the process of establishing an industrial or commercial business, according to a World Bank Group study released in 2005. Canada continues to offer the best environment to establish a business and allocates the most funding on business investment.

  • Canada requires only two simple steps for start-ups , compared to as many as 20 needed in some of the countries studied.
  • One day to incorporate a company in Canada.
  • Two days to register for the goods and services tax.

World's Best-Educated Workforce

  • The overall skill level of Canada’s workforce ranks high among competing countries. According to 2001 Census figures, Canada has the highest percentage (41%) of individuals achieving at least college or university education, among OECD member countries.

First-Class Technological Infrastructure

  • Canada’s technological infrastructure is second only to the U.S. among the G-7 — we rank above or very close to the U.S. in terms of:
    • Internet users and Internet hosts
    • computers per capita
  • Building a universal, competitive, leading edge “Information Highway” is a government priority.

Wired or Wireless, Canada Connects

Canadians use the Internet more than any other nation. Canada also boasts the highest-speed research network in the world.

    • CANARIE, Canada’s advanced Internet development organization , built and operates CA*Net4, the longest, fastest and most advanced fibre-optic research and education network in the world. Government, industry and educational institutions use it to test advanced Internet applications, often in collaboration with foreign research and education networks.
    • Canada’s Broadband Applications and Demonstration Laboratory helps develop integrated communications systems comprising fibre optics, satellite communications and radio.