Government of Canada

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A Great Place to Live

Strong and Free
Canada is a large country in both size and spirit. It is a land known for its immense natural beauty and as a place where big dreams come true. Canadians are proud of their heritage and welcome immigrants from around the world. Almost all of the world's ethnic groups are represented in Canada and we truly encourage and appreciate multicultural diversity.

Canadians pride themselves on a quality of life that is one of a kind in the world.

Ranks first in equal opportunity and multiculturalism
Canada ranks first among the G7 countries in providing equal opportunities for individuals. We are world leaders with immigration laws highly conducive to hiring foreign labour.

Canada also has one of the world’s most multilingual societies. Our people identify over 100 languages as their mother tongues.

Ranks first among G7 countries for

    • Best overall quality of life
      In a recent quality-of-life ranking of 215 world cities by Mercer Human Resources Consulting, five Canadian cities ranked among the top 25. Canada has the best overall quality of life among the G-7.

    • A Land of Equal Opportunity
      Canada ranks first among the G-7 in providing equal opportunities for individuals.

    • Lowest Cost of Living
      Canada has the lowest cost of living among the G-7.

    • Best in addressing environmental concerns
      As measured by the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Canada’s ranks 2nd in the G-7 and 8th in a 133-country study in terms of effectively reducing environmental stresses on human health and promoting ecosystem vitality and sound natural resource management.

    • Safest Place to live
      Canada leads the G-7 in terms of the safest place to live and conduct business with the most fairly administered judicial system.

    • Best Human Development
      In the latest United Nations Human Development Report, Canada ranked first among the G-7 countries and fifth among 177 countries surveyed.