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Dr. George Foster

Research Officer
Interactive Language Technologies

NRC Institute for Information Technology
University of Quebec en Outaouais, Lucien Brault Pavilion
101 St-Jean-Bosco Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0R6
Telephone: +1 (819) 934-3275
Fax: +1 (819) 934-2607

Photo of George Foster


With over ten years of experience in the study of applied computational linguistics, George has a PhD in Computer Science from Université de Montréal and holds a Master's of Science from McGill University. He also worked as a researcher in the Traduction Assistée par Ordinateur (TAO) group at the Centre for Information Technology Innovation, Industry Canada. He then performed research at the Laboratoire de recherche appliquée en linguistique informatique (RALI) at Université de Montréal. While there, George was involved in TransType2, a European Union 5th framework project to produce a prototype text prediction tool for translators and participated in a machine translation evaluation forum. With RALI, George's work spanned the areas of confidence estimation, interactive text prediction, language modeling, cross-language information retrieval and automatic language identification. He also worked as Senior Software Designer with AmikaNow! Corporation, developing confidence-based techniques for automatic classification of e-mail messages. Most recently, in the summer of 2003, George led a research workshop on confidence estimation for machine translation at the Centre for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University.

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Système de traduction automatique statistique combinant différentes ressources
Phrasetable Smoothing for Statistical Machine Translation
Confidence Estimation for NLP Applications
PORTAGE: with Smoothed Phrase Tables and Segment Choice Models
PORTAGE Phrase-Based System for Chinese-to-English Translation
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