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Dr. Norman Vinson (Norm)

Research Officer
Interactive Information

NRC Institute for Information Technology
1200 Montreal Road
Building M-50, Room 379
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
Telephone: +1 (613) 993-2565
Fax: +1 (613) 952-7151
E-mail: Norman Vinson

Photo of Norman Vinson


Norm Vinson received a Ph.D in Psychology and a M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University in 1995 and 1989 respectively, and his B.SC from McGill University in 1987.

Dr. Vinson joined the NRC Institute for Information Technology in 1996 as an Associate Research Officer. His research interests include human-computer interaction (HCI) and spatial cognition; his current focus is on human-computer interaction of 3D interfaces and virtual reality and on research ethics. Dr. Vinson is currently developing design principles to support human navigation in both real and virtual 3D spaces.

Before joining NRC, Dr. Vinson was with the Corporate Design Group (CDG) at Bell-Northern Research (BNR; now part of Nortel Networks) from 1995 to 1996. While at BNR, Dr. Vinson worked on service concepts for broadband communications. Part of his duties included user-interface design.

While at Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Vinson worked on spatial cognition and psycholinguistics.

Dr. Vinson is a member of CapCHI, the National Capital Region's local ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) chapter, affiliated with ACM SIGCHI (Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction). Please visit the CapCHI web site for information on National Capital Region human-computer interaction events.

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