Executive Council
Tourism, Culture and Recreation
Transportation and Works

October 16, 2006

Initiative Ensures Accessibility to and Protection of Government Records 

The Provincial Government is making significant progress in a strategic initiative that will provide enhanced accessibility to and protection of government records. 

For decades, government documents and other materials have accumulated with limited planning for future usefulness and accessibility.  Insufficient attention to records management procedures has resulted in substantial and often inaccessible collections of materials that occupy valuable space in many government buildings.  Through dedicated resources and a strategic approach lead by the Office of the Chief Information Officer, in partnership with the The Rooms Corporation and the Department of Transportation and Works, the Records Management Initiative (RMI) will address current records storage and establish new standards and protocols for managing government records. 

Specifically, the Records Management Initiative will: facilitate the protection of important archival records and ensure their proper storage; improve government’s ability to fulfill requests for documents through the access to information process; lead departments toward achieving a functional documents storage and retrieval system; identify duplicate and insignificant stored materials that do not have informational or archival value and facilitate disposal; enhance the security of documents that may contain personal information; and allow a more efficient use of government buildings and leased office space, resulting in significant cost savings. 

The Honourable Tom Hedderson, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, noted the historical and archival potential of some of the older stored materials.  “The oldest records uncovered in the initial assessment date back to the 1930s, with the systemic accumulation of materials building rapidly since the 1950s.  It is essential that important materials are identified and preserved.  The role of The Rooms, as a partner in this initiative, will ensure that documents with historical and archival value are protected for future generations.” 

“This initiative will result in better use of government buildings, making additional valuable office space available for employees and, in some instances, permitting the sale of government-owned buildings which are no longer required for government operations,” said the Honourable John Hickey, Minister of Transportation and Works  “By reclaiming government buildings, and reducing the need to lease additional office space, annual savings in the range of $1 million are anticipated.” 

“The mass accumulation of operational records is a phenomenon not unique to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.  Similar challenges are being addressed by many other jurisdictions and large corporations throughout North America.  As technology advances, so should the approach to the storage and retrieval of government records resulting in a stronger and more secure management of government information,” said Chief Information Officer Peter Shea.  “This initiative will safeguard information, reduce waste and ensure that all government departments follow proper procedures.” 

To date, approximately 28,000 boxes of paper, 10,000 boxes of geological material, as well as microfilm and tapes have been identified in numerous storage facilities throughout the province.  To put the quantity in perspective: 28,000 file boxes would cover the ice surface at Mile One Centre twice, or the ice surface of approximately 16 curling rinks; 10,000 boxes of geological material is equal to the approximate weight of 250 cars.  It is estimated that upwards of 100,000 boxes of documents, geological materials and other items will be identified by the completion of the assessment process.

Initially, the Records Management Initiative will address records stored in buildings in St. John’s, concluding with the Confederation Building.  The process will then continue throughout the province.  It is anticipated that the process to bring all stored records up to approved standards will take approximately two years to complete. 

The Records Management Initiative is consistent with government’s commitment to transparency and accountability. 

Questions regarding this initiative can be directed to RMInitiative@gov.nl.ca.  

Media contacts:

Deanne Hayward
Director of Communications
The Rooms
709-757-8070, 691-5681
Melony O’Neill
Office of the Chief Information Officer
David Salter
Director of Communications
Transportation and Works
709-729-3015, 691-3577

A Systematic Process 

Streamlined Approach
As part of the Records Management Initiative, the process for all government departments to avail of storage and shredding services has been streamlined.  Through the Government Purchasing Agency, standing offer agreements (SOA) have been awarded to Information Protection Services (IPS) for shredding and Boland’s Security Services for storage.  The SOA process will ensure consistent and secure means for document storage and disposal, resulting in a more cost efficient process for all government departments. 

Records Appraisal Process
The RMI Team comprised of four records analysts and a records appraiser will assess records and make recommendations to the departments that created the records regarding alternate storage, disposal or transfer to the Provincial Archives.  This will also ensure adherence to the Management of Information Act and The Rooms Act

Once concurrence from the department has been received, recommendations are then submitted to the Public Records Committee for review. The Public Records Committee is the government-wide body with the legislated mandate under The Rooms Act to make recommendations to the minister regarding the management of public records.  The department and the Records Management Initiative project manager will take appropriate action when a decision is made by the minister.  

A strict approach will be taken for any materials considered for disposal according to industry standards and practices including the Information Management System for Administrative Records (IMSAR) (www.gov.nl.ca/ocio/im/imsar.htm).   

Reports which will include an inventory of records relocated, transferred to the Provincial Archives or disposed will be sent to each department regarding its records and a copy will be retained by the RMI team until the end of the project.  At the conclusion of the initiative all project reports will be transferred for retention at the Provincial Archives. 

2006 10 16                                                        3:35 p.m.

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