Executive Council
October 24, 2006

New Citizens’ Representative to Be Appointed

The appointment of Barry Fleming as the province’s new Citizens’ Representative will be proposed for concurrence by the House of Assembly during the fall sitting of the legislature, Premier Danny Williams announced today.

“Mr. Fleming’s professional credentials and work experience, particularly with the Human Rights Commission, make him an excellent candidate for this extremely important position,” said Premier Williams. “I will be pleased to introduce a motion in the House to appoint him as the new Citizens’ Representative for Newfoundland and Labrador, effective December 6.

“On behalf of government and the people of the province, I extend a special thank you to Bob Jenkins who has been serving as Citizens’ Representative in an acting capacity since October last year,” added the Premier.

Under the authority of the Citizens’ Representative Act, the Citizens’ Representative is an independent officer of the House of Assembly. The Office of the Citizens’ Representative acts as an investigating body, ensuring decisions, acts or omissions by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador are investigated in an analytical, impartial and timely manner for the citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador, when all other avenues of administrative appeal have been exhausted.

Biographical Information

Barry Fleming has been serving as Executive Director (acting) of the provincial Human Rights Commission since 2003, and has been legal counsel for the commission since 1995. Prior to joining the Commission, he had seven years experience in private practice, with an emphasis on small business law, human rights and immigration and refugee law. He has also taught business law courses at Memorial University.

Mr. Fleming holds a Bachelor of Laws and Master of Business Administration from Dalhousie University, and a Bachelor of Arts (Gold Medal, Economics) from Memorial University.

He is a member of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, and a member of the Canadian Bar Association.

Elizabeth Matthews
Director of Communications
Office of the Premier
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
709-729-3960, 351-1227

2006 10 24                                        11:15 a.m.

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