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The Canada RSP
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Employees of Companies and Organizations
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Get what you want out of life with the Payroll Savings Program.

Saving for your goals is about more than investments and accounts. It’s about experiencing the special moments you’ve always been planning for. The glowing sunset on your second honeymoon. The scenic drive in your new car. The slow walk through your first home.

Regardless of what your particular goal is, saving for it doesn’t have to be challenging. For 60 years, millions of Canadians have been purchasing the Canada Savings Bond (CSB) through the Payroll Savings Program. The CSB is fully backed by the Government of Canada and is cashable at any time. Plus there are absolutely no fees to purchase, hold or redeem your bonds.

You can purchase your own Canada Savings Bond for as little as two dollars per week.
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Here is an example of what you can save, before interest, in one year.
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Use the Payroll Savings Calculator and see how your money can grow.

secure access to your bonds
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Click here for Rates

Updated:    2006 08 11
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