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RRSP Calculator
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Use this calculator* to determine how much you need to contribute to your RRSP to achieve your retirement goals. Enter your information in each of the empty boxes below. You can also type over the default values if you would like to change them. Click on any underlined category name for an explanation.
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1. What you'll need
Number of years of retirement
Rate of return on retirement savings (post-retirement) %
Monthly retirement income from non-RRSP sources (in today's dollars) $
Annual retirement income needed (in today's dollars) $
Average inflation rate %
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2. How to get there
Current age
Planned retirement age
RRSP rate of return (pre-retirement) %
Current RRSP savings $
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Total RRSP savings needed at retirement $0
Required annual RRSP contribution until retirement $0

*The values presented by this calculator are approximate and are dependent upon the information that you provide. Canada Investment & Savings does not represent or warrant that the information provided here will meet your particular requirements or will be free of defects. The potential losses, damages and expenses arising out of your use of this information may be significant. Accordingly, you are advised to consult with your own advisors regarding the details of your particular finances, and notwithstanding any statute or rule of law to the contrary, Canada Investment & Savings shall not have any liability for any claim, loss, damage or expense, including without limitation any commercial or economic losses of any kind, of any person or entity, arising, either directly or indirectly, from the use of this calculator or the information presented at this Web site.

Updated:    2006 08 01
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