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Évaluation du risque et des besoins chez les jeunes contrevenants : un aperçu

Les opinions exprimées sont celles des auteures et ne sont pas nécessairement partagées par le ministère de la Justice Canada.

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Daly, D. et R. Lane. 1999. "Actuarially Based 'On Line' Risk Assessment in Western Australia." Probation Journal46(3):164-70.

Dawson, D. 1999. Risk of Violence Assessment: Aboriginal Offenders and Assumption of Homogeneity . Allocution prononcée à laBest Practice Interventions in Corrections for Indigenous People Conference, Adelaide, Australia. Australian Institute of Criminology and Department of Correctional Service for S.A.

Girard, L. 1999. The Level of Service Inventory - Ontario Revision: Risk/Need Assessment and Recidivism.Thèse de doctorat, département de psychologie, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.

Gottfredson, S. D. 1987. "Prediction: An Overview of Selected Methodological Issues." In Prediction and Classification, publié par D.M. Gottfredson et M. Tonry.Crime and Justice9. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Gottfredson, D. M. et M. Tonry, (dir.) 1987. "Prediction and Classification." Crime and Justice9. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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Hannah-Moffat, K. 2000. "Reforming the Prison, Rethinking Our Ideals." Publié dans An Ideal Prison? Critical Essays On Women's Imprisonment in Canadasous la direction de K. Hannah-Moffat et M. Shaw.Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.

Hannah-Moffat, K. 2002. Criminogenic Need and the Transformative Risk Subject: The Hybridizations of Risk/Need in Penalty .Allocution prononcée à la British Criminology ConferenceUK. Keele University.

Hannah-Moffat, K. et M. Shaw. 2001. Taking Risks: Incorporating Gender and Culture into Classification and Assessment of Federally Sentenced Women.Ottawa, Canada: Condition féminine Women Canada.

Hoge, R. D. 2002. "Standardized Instruments for Assessing Risk and Need in Youthful Offenders." Criminal Justice and Behaviour29(4):380-96.

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Hoge, R. D. et D. A. Andrews. 2002. Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory: User's Manual.Toronto, Canada: Multi Health Services.

Hoge, R. D. et D. A. Andrews. 1996. Assessing risk and need factors in the youthful offender . Allocution prononcée à l'Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association,Toronto, Ontario.

Hoge, R. D., D. A. Andrews et A. W. Leschied. 1996. "An Investigation of Risk and Protective Factors in a Sample of Youthful Offenders." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry37(4):419-24.

Hudson, B. (forthcoming) Justice in the Risk Society   California: Sage Publications.

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Jung, S. 1996. Critical Evaluation of the Validity of the Risk/Need Assessment with Aboriginal Young Offenders in Northwestern Ontario.Mémoire de maîtrise non publié, Université Lakehead, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

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Simourd, L., R. D. Hoge et D. A. Andrews. 1991. The Youth Level of Service Inventory: An examination of the development of a risk/needs instrument.Allocution prononcée à la Conférence annuelle de l'Association canadienne de psychologie à Calgary, Alberta.

Simourd, L., R. D. Hoge, D. A. Andrews et A. W. Leschied. 1994. "An Empirically Based Typology of Male Young Offenders." Canadian Journal of Criminology 36:447-61.

Stenson, K. et R. Sullivan. 2001.Crime, Risk and Justice: the politics of Crime control in liberal democracies.   London: Willan Publishing.

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Zimmerman, S., R. Martin, et T. Rogosky. 2001. "Developing a Risk Assessment Instrument: Lessons about Validity Relearned." Journal of Criminal Justice29(1):57-66.

*  NdT: Youth agreement . Entente officielle signée par un représentant du ministère de l'enfance et de la famille de la Colombie-Britannique et par un jeune âgé de 16 à 19 ans qui présente des risques élevés. En vertu de l'entente, un ou plusieurs services peuvent être fournis au jeune en vue de répondre à ses besoins liés au logement, à l'éducation, etc.

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