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Making a Request on Behalf of a Bond Owner
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The Privacy Act principles and requirements guide us in making the decision to release personal information. Individuals who make requests on behalf of a minor, who are executors of an estate, who hold a financial power of attorney for another individual or who are representatives of a bank branch, must provide a certified or notarized true copy of any document proving their authority to act on behalf of the registered owner. In addition, the parent or legal guardian of a minor child may be required to provide the child's proof of age or birth certificate.
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Documents indicating official capacity are not accepted by fax. Please mail certified or notarized true copies with the request to:
Canada Savings Bonds
PO Box 2770, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1J7
Please note that:
photocopies will not be accepted
your document will not be returned unless requested (please indicate on your correspondence if you wish to have your documents returned to you)
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For additional information please call toll-free 1 800 575-5151, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, Eastern Time.

Updated:    2006 09 12
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