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A Message From Chair Hugh Harradence...

This year, 2006-7, is a year of change for Legal Aid in Saskatchewan. By the spring of 2007, we will have a new CEO for the first time in 14 years. We are building strategic plans on feedback from new client market research. We are implementing new awareness activities that reach out to our client groups and the public.

We have time to slow down and consider what the future has in store for us, and we intend to take that time, in order to process what has occurred, and where we go from here. When I look across the organization to see what our key strengths are, the most important one is immediately obvious.

If there is one thing above all others that makes Legal Aid in Saskatchewan a success, it is contained in the talents, experience, determination and indomitable spirit of the 150 people who work here. One of our strengths is our ability to work collectively, not only with external agencies, but also internally within and among the 15 legal aid area offices.

We are a team - from the Board of Directors, to staff at Central office, and staff at each area office. What we do is integrally linked to, and dependent upon, the work that is done by everyone at Legal Aid Saskatchewan.

I am proud to be part of this team.

Hugh Harradence, Q.C., Chair
Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission

August 30, 2006

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Brenda Gattinger, Yorkton Area Office

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