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This is a service operated by The Law Society of Yukon for members of the public. It is to help you determine if you have a legal problem for which you need the services of a lawyer:

  • you are responsible for contacting the lawyer of your choice from a list and making the appointment to see that lawyer
  • when you make the appointment be sure that the lawyer is aware that you are on a referral from The Law Society and when you attend at the lawyer's office, take the certificate with you and present it to the lawyer at the beginning of the consultation
  • the lawyer will provide you with some basic legal information and advise you whether or not you need a lawyer for your problem
  • the lawyer is not responsible under the Referral Certificate for doing any legal work or taking any further action on your behalf beyond the one half-hour initial consultation
  • if you would like that lawyer to represent you after the initial consultation and the lawyer agrees to represent you, the fee and retainer arrangements and instructions will be a private matter between you and the lawyer

You may obtain the list of lawyers and the certificate from The Law Society of Yukon office at:

202 - 302 Steele Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Upstairs, T.C. Richards Building

or by calling: (867) 668-4231

The cost for this consultation is $30.00 (including GST) and is payable to the lawyer at the consultation. If you are calling from outside of Whitehorse, you can call collect.