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Image of a commercial chicken hatchery. Avian Influenza
A threat to U.S. Poultry
Image of an Asian Longhorned beetle.
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Efforts are underway to eradicate this pest
Image of a Holstein cow. BSE
Get the facts.
Image of oranges on a branch. Citrus Canker
A new science-based approach.
Citrus Greening
Learn more about citrus greening, also called Huanglongbing or yellow dragon disease
Image of a wood boring pest. Decorative and craft items from China
Image of an Emerald Ash Borer. Emerald Ash Borer
Learn more about detecting and eradicating EAB.
Image of a Giant African Snail. Giant African Snail
Snail species native to Africa considered serious agricultural pests in the U.S.
Image of a dairy cow.
National Animal ID
Learn more about the volutary program.
Image of geranium plants. Ralstonia
A bacterial pathogen that causes common wilt in geraniums.
Image of soybean leaf with soybean rust. Soybean Rust
A one-stop resource for soybean rust information.
Image of an oak tree. Sudden Oak Death
Phytophthora ramorum (Pr)

Trout image

Viral Hemorhagic Septicemia
Learn more about this fresh and saltwater fish disease.
Image of a wood boring larva. Wood Packing Materials
Learn more about the new regulations.

Last Modified: October 23, 2006
