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Recently Published APHIS Rules and Notices
Note: Last updated September 23, 2005. For later rules and notices go to Regulations.gov

Related links: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations · Federal Register (from 1995)

RAD has reorganized its Recent Publications pages by program. This is intended to allow interested parties to find the information they need more quickly. Please select one of the program pages below to see recently published rules and notices for that program. We have also included a page with links to all our recent publications.

Plant Protection and Quarantine

Biotechnology Regulatory Services

Wildlife Services

Veterinary Services

Animal Care


All Recent Publications

The PDF links on the Recent Publications pages lead to Printable Document Format versions of our publications, which show them as they appear in the Federal Register. To view PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Reader is available for download directly from Adobe here. Text versions of our publications are also available; these do not require additional software for display.

Click here to see a description of the various ways interested parties can submit comments on our dockets: through EPA's EDOCKET system, through postal mail, or through a website.