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Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance
National SITC Work Units Map

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Pacific NW Factsheet Great Lakes Factsheet Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Factsheet Northern California (NorCal) and Central West Factsheet North and Central Florida Factsheet Southeast Central Factsheet Texas Factsheet New England Factsheet Midwest Factsheet Southwest Factsheet Los Angeles Pacific Factsheet Hawaii Pacific Factsheet Mid Atlantic Factsheet New York Metro factsheet Southern Florida Factsheet

New England Factsheet Texas Factsheet Midwest Factsheet Southwest Factsheet Los Angeles Pacific Factsheet NorCA & Central West Factsheet Long Beach/Inland Factsheet PacNW Factsheet Great Lakes Factsheet Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands Factsheet Southern Florida Factsheet Southeast Florida Factsheet North & Central Florida Factsheet Mid Atlantic Factsheet New York Metro Factsheet Click on the map key for each work units factsheet.


Anti-Smuggling Hotline
All calls are confidential

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Contact E-mail Address: SITC_Mail@aphis.usda.gov

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SITC Map (pdf)