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Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a supplementary agreement to the Convention known as the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on 29 January 2000. This agreement entered into force on 11 September 2003.

The Protocol seeks to protect biological diversity from the potential risks posed by living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology. It establishes an advance informed agreement (AIA) procedure for ensuring that countries are provided with the information necessary to make informed decisions before agreeing to the import of such organisms into their territory. The Protocol contains reference to a precautionary approach and reaffirms the precaution language in Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.

The Biosafety Clearing-House was established by the Protocol to facilitate the exchange of information on living modified organisms and to assist countries in the implementation of the Protocol.

The home page of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is maintained as part of the Convention on Biological Diversity website. The Protocol pages contain information on ratification of the Protocol, meeting details and documents, and highlights of the programme of work of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, including the history of development of the Biosafety Clearing-House.

Click here to leave the BCH and visit the home page of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
What's New
  • Report of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
  • Philippines ratifies the Protocol on 5 October 2006.
    This brings the number of Parties to 135
  • Click here for a list of all ratifications
  • Click here for a list of other news
  • Click here for a list of the latest press releases
  • Click here to download the first issue of the SCBD newsletter on biosafety -- Biosafety Protocol News (BPN) in high and low pdf resolutions and text format.
Latest notifications
Reference is made to Notification SCBD/BS/ET/jh/54978 dated 31 May 2006 (available on our website at: http://www.biodiv.org/doc/notifications/2006/ntf-2006-054-roe-en.pdf), in which Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations were invited to submit to the Secretariat views and suggestions on the criteria and minimum requirements for experts to be nominated to the Roster of Biosafety Experts as well as views on a possible quality control mechanism for the Roster....
I am pleased to inform you that the first issues of the Secretariat’s newsletter on business and biodiversity, Business.2010, as well as the newsletter on biosafety, entitled Biosafety Protocol News, have been posted on the CBD Website at the following addresses:
I am delighted to announce a number of new features accessible through the Central Portal of the Biosafety Clearing-House (http://bch.biodiv.org/), which complement the recently released Registry of Living Modified Organisms....
I am pleased to present a new Directory of Organizations active in biosafety issues, now accessible through the Biosafety Clearing-House. The Directory of Biosafety Organizations is available on-line in the "information sharing" section of the BCH at http://bch.biodiv.org/informationsharing/default.shtml....
Please refer to the Secretariat’s earlier communication (Ref.: SCBD/BS/WDY/jh/54737) dated 8 May 2006 conveying recommendations of the second meeting of the Ah Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Liability and Redress in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BSWG-L&R;/2) which, among other things, invited Parties, other Governments, relevant international organizations and stakeholders to submit views....
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