Community Legal Education Association (Manitoba) Inc.
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Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral
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Department of Justice Canada

Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral Program

Funded by the Law Society of Manitoba and The Manitoba Law Foundation, the Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral Program provides general legal information over the phone in response to callers' inquiries. Callers are also referred to appropriate law-related agencies where such an agency exists and the situation warrants it.

Where the caller requires legal advice and would like to be referred to a lawyer, a referral can be made from a list of about 130 lawyers who have chosen to register with the service.

Lawyers and callers can be matched on the basis of geographical area, language, whether or not the lawyer offers "shut in", services whether or not the lawyer has agreed to accept clients who qualify for Legal Aid, and whether or not the lawyer takes contingency cases.

The office hours for the service are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

There are two Winnipeg lines and a provincial toll-free line. During office hours, calls are either answered directly or the caller can leave a brief message on the answering machine.

To reach the Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral service, call 943-2305 or toll free 1-800-262-8800 (from outside Winnipeg only please). For a referral to a lawyer only, you can also call 943-3602.

If you would like to receive a referral by e-mail please contact us at

Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • If you would like a referral to a lawyer in Winnipeg, any particular part of the city?
  • If you would like a referral to a lawyer outside Winnipeg, where?
  • Please describe your problems briefly.
  • Do you qualify for Legal Aid ? (Note Legal Aid does not appoint in all areas of law.)
  • Do you require a lawyer on a contingency basis?
  • Do you require a lawyer who provides shut-in services? (Primarily for Wills / Estate matters.)
  • Do you have a language preference ?

If you are a lawyer interested in becoming part of our referral service, you may download an LRS Application form in PDF format. >>Click Here to download

The Lawyer Referral Service was set up by the Law Society of Manitoba. It is designed to help people find a lawyer when they do not know any lawyers, or when they are looking for a lawyer who is prepared to assist them in a particular branch of the law. Lawyers who register with the service can specify up to 3 different areas of practice.

Although all the lawyers participating in the Lawyer Referral Service are qualified to practice law, neither Community Legal Education Association nor the Law Society of Manitoba represent to clients that lawyers who take part in the service are specialists in any particular legal subject.

Referrals are made to lawyers on a rotation basis. The lawyer to whom you are referred will advise you during an interview lasting about a half hour. You will not be charged for this interview. If you need further legal help, you may (if the lawyer agrees) hire the lawyer at a fee to be decided between the both of you.

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Last Updated August 2004 © 2004, Community Legal Education Association (Manitoba) Inc.