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Session materials and audio recordings available

This conference brought together experts in an atmosphere designed to address issues of substance abuse and criminality.  Both by way of speakers with established reputations in their respective areas—as well as panel discussions provided an opportunity for an exchange of opinions by front-line specialists.  The conference offered the opportunity for both formal and informal networking with colleagues across Canada and abroad. 
Guided by the expertise of the Canadian Association of Drug Treatment Courts this conference is designed to:
  • Establish a framework for continuing dialogue amongst drug treatment court professionals, government leaders and community partners to reach the goals of success—break the cycle of addiction, destructive behaviours and crime, to re-connect families broken by addictions and crime;
  • Build knowledge, awareness, strengthen partnerships, share ideas and best practices;
  • Learn practical solutions and an expanded network towards the sustainable development of drug treatment courts;
  • Put intercultural awareness into action and discover resources to connect us across differences and culturally transform your organization;
  • Develop your capacity to promote and strengthen the use of alternatives to incarceration with a particular focus on Aboriginal Communities, youth and street prostitutes, and;
  • Discuss innovative performance measurements and reporting strategies.
Delegates included: Canadian and International Professionals from:  Drug Treatment Courts; Law Enforcement Agencies; Professionals working in Health Care, Addictions' Treatment Specialists, Correctional Services; Aboriginal Service Providers; Youth Workers; Judges; Lawyers; Educators; Academics; Corporations; Individuals; Government; Community Partners, 
and; others involved and interested in “helping people in trouble change their lives”.
