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Academic Credentials Assessment Service (ACAS)

Information for Clients

The Academic Credentials Assessment Service (ACAS) evaluates the education of people who have been educated outside of Canada and compares it to educational standards in Manitoba. The service assists immigrants with professional and/or technical backgrounds to gain recognition for education and work experience obtained abroad. 

Once the evaluation is complete, ACAS issues an Academic Credentials Report. This report is advisory in nature and is designed to support and facilitate hiring or admission decisions made by employers, occupational regulatory bodies and educational institutions. ACAS also offers assistance with the placement of students with foreign credentials in Manitoba secondary schools.

The Academic Credentials Report is only available to people residing in Manitoba. There is no charge for this service. Canadian citizens educated abroad and landed immigrants with foreign credentials qualify for this service. Assessments are given for formal instruction only. They do not evaluate competence, work experience or prior learning. 

Who Benefits from the Academic Credentials Report

  • Individuals educated outside Canada
    The Academic Credentials Report explains international educational documents.

  • Prospective employers
    Employers will better understand the value of an individual's education and training - which allows them to make more informed placements and staffing decisions.

  • Career and Employment Counselors
    The Academic Credentials Report provides information on career and employment issues.

Documents Required

To apply for the ACAS program, you will need to provide the following:

  • Original or notarized copies of all final degrees, diplomas and certificates from study completed abroad
  • Certified literal English or French translations of all foreign language documents
  • All transcripts, mark sheets and academic records of subjects taken at college, university or high school
  • Permanent Resident Card or Confirmation of Permanent Residence document (IMM5292) 
  • Social Insurance Number
  • a resume.

How the Process Works

ACAS verifies documents for authenticity, translation, recognition status of institution and educational program and individual educational standing. Comparisons are made against current educational standards. 

Programs outside Canada are compared to Manitoba programs, with respect to the issuing institution, level, length and general content of study. The ACAS report highlights similarities between the programs. 

For more information or to apply for the service, contact:

Academic Credentials Assessment Service
Settlement and Labour Market Services Branch
Manitoba Labour and Immigration

5th Floor – 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1N3
Tel: (204) 945-6300 Fax: (204) 948-2148


Information for Employers

What is ACAS?
The Academic Credentials Assessment Service (ACAS) evaluates the education of individuals obtained abroad and issues Academic Credentials Reports that show how educational credentials from other countries compare to educational standards in Manitoba. This report is advisory in nature and is designed to support and facilitate hiring or admission decisions made by employers, occupational regulatory bodies and educational institutions.

ACAS is a member of the Alliance of Credentials Evaluation Services of Canada (the Alliance). The Alliance ensures that individuals have access to fair and credible credentials assessment services. Members of the Alliance follow principles of good practice that are consistent with international standards.

How does ACAS assess Credentials?

ACAS completes the following steps for each assessment:

  • Authenticity Review
    All documents are reviewed for consistency and evidence of tampering or alteration. ACAS seeks verification on suspicious documents directly from the issuing institutions. An evaluation will not be conducted on documents determined to be altered or falsified.
  • Translation Review
    ACAS conducts educational assessments using original/official documents or certified/notarized copies and their English/French translations. Translations are checked for accuracy.
  • Recognition Status of Institution
    ACAS only conducts assessments of formalized education obtained at accredited or recognized institutions. A recognized institution is one that has been formally recognized by competent authorities in a country and/or is widely accepted by other institutions inside or outside the country.
  • Description of Educational Program
    ACAS conducts extensive research and provides a description of the educational program taken abroad. The research includes a review of the level of education, duration of study, general contents of progam, and the purpose of the degree.

Although ACAS reviews the general content of a program the details of each course is not examined.

Statement of Comparison:
ACAS strives to ensure standardized and consistent assessment results. All assessments are based on a clearly defined methodology recognized both nationally and internationally. The general statement of comparison is achieved by utilizing a vast array of resources. When ACAS compares a program from another country to a program in Manitoba/Canada, ACAS is saying that the program is similar with respect to the status of the issuing institution, the level, length general course content.

Why does ACAS use the phrase ‘generally compares to’?
No credential will be exactly the same from one institution to another. For this reason ACAS always uses the phrase ‘generally compares to’ because it is a more accurate indication of the fact that there will always be some differences in courses from one program to another.

Employment and ACAS:
Employers may use an ACAS assessment to help them understand the educational credentials presented by a job applicant.

Individuals may use an ACAS assessment to help them make decisions about further education and/or career planning.

How to Apply:
This service may be obtained by calling 945-6300 for an appointment.

The Academic Credentials Report is provided only to people residing in Manitoba. There is no charge for this service. Canadian citizens educated abroad, and Landed Immigrants with foreign credentials qualify for this service. 

For more information, contact:

Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Settlement and Labour Market Services Branch
5th Floor – 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1N3
Tel: (204) 945-6300
Fax: (204) 948-2148



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