List of searchable databases for NON-MEMBER subscribers
  • Digests of Judgments

    Court of Appeal, Queen's Bench, and Provincial Court case digests from 1987 to date. 

  • Fulltext Judgments (No charge)

    Fulltext judgments from the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench, and Provincial Court from 1994 to date. 

  • Sentencing Digest

Digests of sentence appeals heard by the Court of Appeal with links to fulltext judgment from 1999 to present.

  • Saskatchewan Regulations 

    An index of regulations published in The Saskatchewan Gazette from January 2000 to date including links to the Gazette issues on the Saskatchewan Queen's Printer website.

  • Saskatchewan Bills

    An index of legislation from the  Saskatchewan Legislature from 1993 to present.  Contains links to bills and statutes on the Saskatchewan Queen's Printer site.

What is the difference between Fulltext, Digests, Case Mail, and the new judgments tables?  How can I see the latest cases which have been added to the databases?

Back to topUpdated 31 Oct 2006 04:29 PM