Department of Justice
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Family Law

Family Law

Family law is a general term referring to any of the laws that make rules about family relationships. This can include rules about how to marry, who can get married, how to separate or divorce, how adoption works, and how to protect children who are not being properly cared for.

This website explains the law in general.  It is not intended to give you legal advice on your particular problem.  Because each person's case is different, you need to get legal help.  The information on this website is up to date as of June, 2006.

The Department's family mediation program  is a cooperative approach to separation or divorce.

Family lawyers at the Legal Services Board provide services to eligible people in all NWT communities.
The Maintenance Enforcement Program  helps children and families by monitoring, enforcing and collecting support payments.
The Protection Against Family Violence Act (français) protects victims of family violence.

You can get information about family justice services in other parts of Canada by clicking here.

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