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Victim Services

An Overview

Victims of crime in Ontario are supported at all stages of the Justice system, and through Victims Services, the Ontario government ensures that victims are treated with respect and receive the services they need.

The Victims’ Bill of Rights, was proclaimed on June 11, 1996.

The Victims' Justice Action Plan (VJAP) was launched in June 2000. The goal of VJAP is to develop an integrated justice-sector service that is responsive to the needs of crime victims and community service providers. The multi-year implementation plan will guide service expansion into un-serviced and under-serviced areas throughout the province and improve services through the integration of service delivery and the coordination of victim services.

Key components of the Plan include:

  • Creation of an integrated Victim Services division in the Ministry of the Attorney General;
  • Creation of advisory agency status for the Office for Victims of Crime;
  • Expansion of victim services, including the domestic violence court program to improve access across the province;
  • Investment in technology and innovative pilot projects to improve coordination, focus on prevention and address the needs of vulnerable children and adults.

In a significant move toward integration of victim justice services, on April 1, 2001, victim services staff from Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General and Ministry of the Solicitor General came together to form a new, integrated Victim Services Division (VSD). The creation of the new division brings diverse strengths and resources together to support an improved system of service to meet the needs of victims of crime in Ontario.

The VSD also supports the expansion of provincial victim services in communities across Ontario and ensures proper planning and implementation at the community, regional and provincial levels.


Information on programs and services offered by the Ontario Victim Services Secretariat is available at the following links:
