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Mexican Official Standard: NOM-056-FITO-1995


On the edge, a seal of the National Coat- of- Arms reading: Mexican United States.- Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development Ministry


Roberto Zavala Echevarría, Legal General Director of the Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development Ministry, based on Articles 1st, 2nd, 6th, 23 Fraction 1, 29 and 43 detaching from the Plant Health Federal Statute; 38 Fraction II, 40, 41, 43 and 47 Fraction IV detaching from Metrology and Normalization Federal Statute; 35 Fraction IV detaching from the Federal Public Administration Institution Statute; 12 Fraction XXIX and XXX detaching from the Internal Regulation of this Entity, and


Over the last ten years genetic engineering application in plants became highly popular worldwide with different purposes such as increase production in agricultural activities, extend shelf- life for perishable products as well as their resistance against pests and diseases.

Trials carried out using vegetal origin individuals manipulated through genetic engineering must be performed under strict control practices to ensure no unexpected effect will occur within the agricultural environment, for such reason, mobilization of this kind of materials as well as field tests must be carried out according to the criteria set forth under this standard.

Our country owns a wide plants and animals variety and is also considered worldwide as a species natural reserve. Introduction of organisms manipulated using genetic engineering for agricultural applications poses a high risk and thereupon, their import, mobilization and use within national territory shall be carried out with strict adherence to biosafety measures set forth for such organisms.

No comments with regard to the Standard Project were received, nevertheless it should be necessary to clarify that rights collection was duly stated under Article 86t–C Fraction III detaching from the Rights Federal Statute, published in the Federal Official Diary on December 15th, 1995, through environment release phytosanitary certificate of organisms manipulated through genetic engineering, which shall be attached to the Official Standard herein for the due compliance with such legal rule.

To achieve the objectives described in paragraph hereinabove, on December 20th, 1995; the Mexican Official Standard Project NOM-056-FITO-1995 referred to as “Phytosanitary requirements hereby set forth for mobilization, import and field tests settlement, within national territory, pertaining to organisms manipulated through genetic engineering application,” was published in the Federal Official Diary by initiating all formalities as described under Articles 45, 46, and 47 detaching from the Metrology and Normalization Federal Statute.



The object of this Mexican Official Standard is to establish control with regard to mobilization within national territory, imports, release and assessment to the environment or experimental tests performed to organisms manipulated through Genetic Engineering for agricultural purposes.

Compliance with this Standard is mandatory for all official or private institutions and individuals who may somehow intervene in the mobilization and release to the environment processes as well as in transgenic products evaluation.


2.1 Approval: Action through which the Ministry acknowledges either individuals or legal entities as capable to operate as national normalization organizations, certification organizations, verification units or tests laboratories.

2.2 Agriculture Biosafety National Committee: The Genetic Engineering Plants Health General Direction’s ancillary advisory organization integrated by a body of experts in related matters.

2.3 Biological Diversity: Is understood as live organisms’ variability from any source, including, among others, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as other related aquatic ecosystems and ecological complexes; also comprising species diversity, diversity among the species and ecosystems as well.

2.4 Gene: Basic hereditary unit located at cell chromosomes level and duplicated during each cellular division; this mechanism allows hereditary characteristics transference from the progenitor to the offspring.

2.5 Germoplasm: Set formed by the entire hereditary material – or genetic bank – containing all possible variations shown, among others, by one or several species, populations and groups.

2.6 Genetic Engineering: Set of recombining deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid manipulation techniques, either in vitro or under special laboratory conditions.

2.7 Phytosanitary Raw Materials: Refers to any substance or mixture used for pest control in vegetables such as pesticides, biological control agents, transgenic material, attracting pheromones and pest resistant cultivated plant varieties.

2.8 The Ministry: Means Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development Ministry;

2.9 Release into the Environment: Refers to the use of a manipulated product out of a closed area’s normal physical confinement boundaries such as laboratories, greenhouses, fermenting devices or any other closed structure, under biosafety conditions as established by the Ministry.

2.10 Environment: Refers to the soil, air or water as well as each and every live organisms in connection with or living in such elements.

2.11 Genetic Material: Is understood as all vegetal, animal and microbial material or otherwise having inheritance functional units.

2.12 Transgenic Material: Artificially modified genotypes which, due to their multiplication and permanence into the environment characteristics, are capable to transfer recombining genes to other organism.

2.13 Mobilization: Stands for transporting, carrying or shifting from one place to another.

2.14 Organism: Any form of life from vegetal or animal kingdoms.

2.15 Receiving Organism: Refers to an organism receiving genetic material form a donor.

2.16 Pest: Vegetal, animal or pathogenic agent form of life either harmful or potentially harmful to vegetables.

2.17 Plant: Any member of the vegetal kingdom or any part of it.

2.18 Manipulated or Transgenic Product: Vegetal or microbial material subject to in vitro recombination or under special laboratory conditions through genetic engineering application.

2.19 Vector or Vector Agent: Organism, material or object used for transferring genetic material from donor’s organism to receiver’s organism.


3.1 For releasing into the environment and/or importing transgenic products a phytosanitary certificate is required. For interstate mobilization the requesting party will be required to notify the Plant Health General Direction (DGSV per its Spanish acronym) according to the format attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

3.2 Pertaining to transgenic products’ release into the environment certificate.

3.2.1 To obtain the Release into the Environment Certificate, the requesting party shall submit such request in the corresponding format according to Exhibit 1 attached hereto, before the Plant Health General Direction (DGSV ), both original and two hardcopies. Response to such petition shall be issued by this entity within a term no longer than 120 natural days, provided information submitted in the application format is complete. Otherwise, the requesting party will be requested to provide the missing information and thereupon, the 120-day term shall commence as of submittal of complete information.

3.2.2 The DGSV will submit such request before the Agricultural Biosafety National Committee for review and once a favorable report from the Committee is obtained, the DSGV will be responsible for granting the Release into the Environment Certificate for products manipulated through genetic engineering in compliance with Exhibit 3 thereof.

Copy of the Committee’s report as well as the release certificate shall be handed over to the State Government(s) and State Delegation(s) where such releasing is to be carried out. In turn, State Agencies shall notify the DSGV about releasing activities and shall be liable to send their comments with regard to in a term which shall not exceed 30 natural days.

3.2.3 Applicant is to provide all necessary information with regard to the activity to be performed as described under Exhibit 1 and shall note the following:

a) Name, private address, phone number, professional certificate number as well as a resume of the person conducting the subject matter field test. Such person shall be acquainted on and/or experienced in genetic engineering, molecular biology and biotechnology matters, among others.

b) Name, address and phone numbers of other people involved in field tests having decision authority.

c) Scientific and common names as well as all designations used to identify the receiving organism or organisms and vector agents used in the construction of each manipulated product.

d) Name, address and phone number of the people developing or supplying the product.

e) Description of the container or wrapping that will be used for product mobilization.

f) Quantitative description of the product to be mobilized as well as mobilization and/or import proposed schedule.

g) Biological material description (for instance, culture means) accompanying manipulated product during its mobilization as well as a detailed description about the method which will be used for its destruction.

h) Manipulated product mobilization route, including a description of the place of origin, proposed destination, intermediate destinations and final destinations.

i) Procedure and biosafety measures description that shall be applied to prevent manipulated product release and spreading.

j) Objective and purpose for introducing, mobilizing and/or releasing into the environment the transgenic product.

k) Description of material’s reproductive or multiplicative biology prior genetic modification including, as for vegetal organisms: life cycle with an special emphasis on self crossbreeding, pollination, habitat, wild species and their distribution, mechanisms and self crossbreeding frequency among the species members; and as for microbial organisms: life cycle, pathogenic characteristics, hosts, development stages description (inoculation, inoculation type, penetration… etc.), spreading, hibernation and interaction with other organisms.

l) Description of donor and receiver organisms and vector as well as country and location where manipulated product was collected, developed or produced.

m) Description of current or anticipated modification produced by genetic material, integrated to manipulated product and how such modification differs from a non-modified organism. Genetic construction maps will be attached.

n) Detailed description of donor-receiver-vector system molecular biology sustaining manipulated product procurement.

o) Statement regarding to the potential impact to agricultural environment which may be derived from product releasing.

p) The proposed experimental design for releasing the substance into the environment as well as the production system shall be described in detail.

q) Description of the genetically manipulated product amount to be released as well as the amount to be used in each trial provided more than one is established. Schedule specifying agronomic practices and/or proposed trials.

r) A map of the proposed trial site will be attached and shall indicate geographical location as well as the exact location where transgenic product trials will be established by taking into account the following:

— When several genetic constructions may be carried out in different sites, the number of tested constructions will be indicated per site.

— When several trials are applied on the same site, specific location for each trial will be indicated.

— Description of the adjoining premises activities, either current or former, as well as the exact location where trials shall be established. With regard to vegetal transgenic products, a listing and description for wild and cultivated species, phylogenetically related to transgenic plant which may be transgenic pollen receivers will be attached.

— Specify both dimensions and area to be occupied by the trials (do not include non- genetically modified material boundaries or rows), and provide a description of manipulated organism allocation sites such as greenhouses, laboratories, growing chambers, etc.

s) Provide a detailed description about biosafety measures and procedures to be used for preventing manipulated product uncontrolled contamination, release and spreading.

t) Provide a detailed description about transgenic material final disposal proposed method at experiment’s completion as well as final disposal or cleaning practices with regard to other materials which have been in contact with the transgenic material during the trial, for example, non- transgenic culture treated with a transgenic bio- insecticide and agro- machinery, among others.

u) Rights payment receipt evidencing the rate in force as stated by the Rights Federal Statute.

In the specific case no interstate mobilization or imports are carried out, paragraph items e), f), g), h), and i) herein will be omitted.

3.2.4 In the case product mobilization and/or import may be carried out prior release into the environment request, a copy of the corresponding import and/or mobilization certificate will be attached.

3.2.5 The applicant shall write a commitment letter stating his/her responsibility with regard to product handling or destruction in such a way as to prevent release into the environment after trials completion and, in the same way, will prepare a statement letter at the time such activities are carried out.

3.2.6 Released, mobilized and/or imported transgenic product shall be maintained within areas and rooms as specified in the application.

3.2.7 Transgenic product to be released, mobilized and/or imported shall be identified through a label containing all the required information as described under paragraph 3.5 hereinbefore.

3.2.8 The person authorized by the Ministry to perform both inspections and follow- up to released transgenic product shall regularly notify this entity about product behavior based upon requirements compliance as specified in the corresponding certificate.

3.2.9 Either the individual or corporation granted with phytosanitary release certificate shall provide the DGSV with periodical reports and a final report about transgenic product characteristics and behavior according to certificate’s specifications.

3.2.10 The DGSV shall be notified in the following cases:

a) Accidental release of a transgenic product, which shall be notified within 24 hours as of unexpected event occurrence.

b) If the associated host organism or manipulated product shows substantially different characteristics to those listed in the application or if disease signs are present or otherwise if mortality occurs or any other unforeseen effect caused to organisms not directly involved, shall be notified in written within the following five business days to event.

3.2.11 Authorized personnel by the Ministry may inspect the location where manipulated products are to be released into the environment as well as closed areas, before and after mobilization, and product record logs as many times as necessary. Expenses arising out of verification tasks performed by one or more Agricultural Biosafety National Committee members shall be the applicant company sole liability.

3.3 Imports Phytosanitary Certificate for Transgenic Products and Mobilization Notification.

3.3.1 The Phyto-zoosanitary Inspection General Direction in Ports, Airports and Borderlines shall be responsible for transgenic products Phytosanitary Imports Certificate issuance and for such purpose, the requesting party shall submit the following documentation a the country’s inland customs and shall comply with specifications thereof:

a) Biosafety Measures and Phytosanitary Requirements for Transgenic Products Imports original document as described in Exhibit 2 thereof.

b) Country of origin international phytosanitary certificate.

3.3.2 The DGSV shall be liable to issue all biosafety measures and phytosanitary requirements needed for transgenic products imports. Applications shall receive the same treatment applicable to release into the environment as described under Section 3.2.2 hereinbefore.

3.3.3 As for transgenic product interstate mobilization, the requesting party shall notify the DGSV by attaching request to the corresponding format in accordance with Exhibit 1 thereof. The DGSV shall officially reply the requesting party if such mobilization may be carried out during import and under the same procedure as stated under Section 3.3.4 hereinbelow.

3.3.4 If intended objective is solely and exclusively aimed to transgenic material imports and/or mobilization, the application shall contain all the necessary information as described under Section 3.2.3 hereinbefore skipping paragraph items p), q), r), s) and t). Such application shall be delivered to the DGSV, original and two hardcopies, in the corresponding format. Within a 75 natural days time period, the DGSV will issue the corresponding response provided application’s required information is complete, otherwise, the requesting party shall be asked to furnish missing information and the 75-day period shall be counted as of application’s complete information may be delivered.

3.3.5 Wrapping materials, containers and any other material accompanying imported or mobilized transgenic product shall be handled in such a way as to prevent spreading and settlement.

3.3.6 Individuals or corporations granted with the transgenic product import certificate shall notify the DGSV about product’s arrival date to its final destination or otherwise if such event was not performed.

3.3.7 Transgenic products shall comply with the import phytosanitary requirements as set forth under the Mexican Official Standards with regard to vegetal or plant quarantine, according to the agricultural product as the case may be, such as: fruits, vegetables, seeds, spreading material or sawn flowers or blossoms pretended to be imported.

3.3.8 Issued certificate is valid only for field release and/or imports and/or mobilization with research or material reproduction purposes. This certificate does not include the commercialization of transgenic products in Mexico. Thereupon, all transgenic material trials and mobilizations performed within national territory are subject to the DGSV’s surveillance and permission.

3.4 Pertaining to Release into the Environment Phytosanitary Certificate Cancellation.

The DGSV reserves the right to cancel the release into the environment certificate if one or more conditions related thereto are not accomplished, notifying the cancellation reasons within a 10-day time period.

3.5 Pertaining to marking and identification.

3.5.1 Any manipulated product to be mobilized, imported and/or released shall clearly and correctly specify the following information adhered either to the container or wrapping:

— Nature, in general terms, and contents amount.

— Country and/or location where such product was collected, developed, manufactured, cultivated or reproduced.

— Carrier and forwarder’s name and address.

— Consignee’s name, address and phone number.

— Release and/or import phytosanitary certificate number.

— Label shall be clearly visible from the outside.


Shall be the Ministry’s liability to enforce and oversee each and every objective and disposal set forth under this Standard.


Failure to comply with disposals set forth under this Standard will be cause of penalties and sanctions according to Plant Health Federal Statute and Metrology and Normalization Federal Statute.


Canada’s Agriculture and Agri-food 1994. Field trials performed to genetically modified plants in Canada, guidelines and information required for field applications and subduing under confined conditions. Canada.

Canada’s Agriculture and Agri-food 1994. Estimation criteria to determine genetically modified plants’ environmental safety. Canada.

IICA 1991. Guide for genetically modified organisms released into the environment. Costa Rica.

ISAAA – SEI, 1994. Biosafety fro Sustainable Agriculture: Sharing Biotechnology Regulatory Experiences of the Western Hemisphere. USA.

OCAE, 1993. Biotechnology, Agriculture and Nourishment. Spain.

OCAE, 1990. Good Developmental Practices jar Small Scale Research with genetically modified plants and microorganisms. Paris, France.


This standard has no consistency with any other international standard or recommendations since no references were available at the time it was written.


This Mexican Official Standard shall be in force as of the following publication day on the Federal Official Diary.

Sufragio Efectivo. No Reelección.

Mexico City, July 13th, 1996.- The Legal General Director, Roberto Zavala Echevarría.- Signature


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